Wow, this video takes me back a little. To 1992 in fact, when I was 15 years old and loving this kind of pop hip-hop crossover. Now, well, now I kind of look back in horror. And so should Kriss Kross.
I can imagine people of a certain age looking back on this fondness. While the rest of the population, especially those under about 25 will wonder what the hell we were doing in the early nineties.
Kriss Kross were famous for two things: this song, and wearing their clothes backwards. No, I kid you not. As well as putting their trousers on backwards, they were also as baggy as they come, which wasn’t really a good look.
Youngsters today may feel they’re the height of fashion but a quick look at this video will show how quick trends change. And how embarrassing it must be to have your biggest fashion mistakes caught on video for future generations to laugh at.