“Life On Tour” is a new reality web series that follows a small group of high school students as they travel throughout Europe. EF Educational Tours, the company responsible for organized travels abroad in many high schools, hired the same people behind The Real World to shoot the series.
When one usually thinks of The Real World, they usually think of high-strung characters and crazy confrontations between a group of strangers. On the contrary, “Life On Tour,” is much closer to an actual documentary. After all, the show was made to promote EF Tours so that more teens & schools would take notice.
The cast, which includes Tyler, Brandon, Lauren, Colter, Malia, and Briana, all come from different backgrounds and have different personalities. The six may be traveling to the same places (Lucerne, Paris, Florence, and Rome) but they experience each differently.
‘Life On Tour’ Trailer
This is the promotional trailer for the show. You can tell that some of these teens are first-time travelers. No doubt, this is a life-changing experience for them. Catch all 10 episodes on Facebook or YouTube.