Who’s your hero? Does your hero wear a cape, possess a special power, or just are there supporting you through thick and thin?
This hero patrols the coastal areas of the country and rescue people from the water, regardless of threat, weather or fear.
This little boy is reciting his near-death experience at sea and the heroes, Lifeguards, who rescued him from the harsh force of the ocean.
Heroes are everywhere and I’m sure most people have more than one. I know I do.
– 1staidadvice offers discounts on first aid courses to summer campers.
– Realfirtsaids.com is a site giving exemplary first aid information to learners.
– For routine first aid advice, properfirstaid.com has an FAQ section.
– Firstaidinfosource has come up with affordable first aid training courses.
– Basic first aid kits can be ordered on bestfirstaidinfo.com.