I’ve been known to dabble in online gaming from time to time. I’m not exactly brilliant but I enjoy it nonetheless. However, I’m a straight shooter, in both senses, getting on with the job without bragging or being a dick.
Unlike this guy. Who, upon finding a rival player lying in a building preparing to snipe people in Modern Warfare 2, decides to send a message to him before killing him. Big mistake, bozo.
Instead of sending him a message and then shooting him in the head, he gets shot himself as the other guy has got up, turned around, and noticed him standing there in the mean time.
Instead of pwning the guy, he ends up experiencing an epic fail. Which is justice in my book.
Me, I’d have shot the guy in the balls as soon as I spotted him. I may not have had bragging rights afterwards but at least I’d have killed him before he killed me. Which is the aim of the game after all.