Breaking News and Developments about Internet TV and Video Entertainment
There was I thinking the whole Koran burning nonsense had come to nothing. But no. It turns out one guy felt...
The 19th Wife is a book by David Ebershoff that was first released in 2008 that looks at polygamous marriage in...
I’ve never seen Clint Eastwood turn out a bad film. But I’m approaching his next glossy flick with a bit of...
I found The Armstrong and Miller Show to be a little hit and miss. For all the good characters and great...
I don’t like Lady Gaga. There, I’ve said it. Some of her tunes aren’t bad, although I doubt there’ll withstand the...
Last week saw the end of one of my favorite TV shows; one that has punctuated every summer of my life...
I’m 33-years-old and yet I’ve only just learned that there is such a thing as National Grandparents Day. How strange is...
Folks of all faiths were deeply offended when American pastor Terry Jones suggested burning the Koran to mark the anniversary of...
In this world there are cat people and there are dog people … and there are the ones that take things...
If you’re still not aware of Karl Pilkington – the man, the legend – then you need to be educated as...
Today is September 11, 2010, the ninth anniversary of what has become known as 9/11. It was on this day nine...
Grocery shopping is a necessary evil. No one really likes to do it, except perhaps this guy.
If anyone know what these otters are on then please let me know. Because I want some of what they’ve had.
It’s time once again to be afraid to visit your email inbox, with a new virus named ‘Here You Have’ spreading...
What happens when you let 100 cats loose in an Ikea store? Something a little like this. This video shows this...
Duck Hunt is a true classic among video games. I spent many an hour back in the day shooting the ducks...
The former lead singer of LFO, Rich Cronin, has died of leukemia at the tender age of 35. This video shows...
When M. Night Shyamalan burst onto the film scene with The Sixth Sense, he was lauded as the most exciting director...
It’s almost that time of year again. Yes, a new Call of Duty game is due for release soon. but I...
Glenn Shadix has sadly died at the age of 58 after falling over and banging his head at his Birmingham, Alabama...
After more than two weeks of waiting, Australia finally has a new prime minister, one which looks a lot like the...
It’s not just in the U.S. where the police lose it and go beyond what is considered acceptable behavior. British bobbies...
I’m sure most of you will have seen the new Google Doodle today. It’s hard to miss it. But what are...
The Japanese are known for their precision. Everything they do, they do with exacting skill. Even, it seems, walking. This video...
Old Spice isn’t the only company using viral video in original and unique ways in order to sell product. Tippex has...
Today – September 6 – is Labor Day in the United States. It falls on the first Monday of every September,...
I always thought Vicky Pollard was simply a character on the comedy series Little Britain. But apparently Matt Lucas’ obnoxious teen...
Even the Predator has to deal with the issues that arise when a child reaches their teenage years. Well OK, the...
Summer of ’42 is a 1971 sentimental coming-of-age drama which is very reminiscent of a certain time in all our lives....
With the start of the cinema festival season we’re about to see the films that will take out the Oscars at...