Breaking News and Developments about Internet TV and Video Entertainment
When MysteryGuitarMan met Mike Relm the result was magic. And a nice cross-promotion for two YouTube phenomenons.
Well done Floyd Mayweather. You’ve just shown yourself up to be a racist, homophobic, offensive idiot. What’s that flying out of...
There are few things the internet enjoys more than a good kitten video, or perhaps even a mediocre one! The fuzzy...
This is either funny, freaky, or both together. On second viewing it’s the latter, definitely.
If you like B-movies then you’ll love Machete. Because this is one B-movie that actually works, mainly because it knows what...
When we say our wedding vows, we promise to love our partner in sickness and in health. Now 35-year-old Australian cancer...
I’m not a huge fan of tennis. In fact, I consider it the most boring sport of them all, except for...
The FFXIV beta is now officially open to all. But if you do manage to get into it you should try...
We all have fond memories of 80s teen flicks like Ferris Bueller’s Day Off and The Karate Kid. But Michael Swaim...
TPB AFK is the name of The Pirate Bay movie, which takes the film of a documentary rather than the more...
Call Of Duty: Black Ops isn’t released until November 9, but the multiplayer gameplay has already been revealed. This video shows...
Most of us were are too young to remember the devastation of World War II, but this man does. Happily though,...
If you’ve got a friend who acts all hard and aggressive at the best of times, then it’s probably best not...
Dead Rising: Case Zero is being released today on PS3 and Xbox 360. The prequel to the forthcoming Dead Rising 2...
New Emmys host Jimmy Fallon started yesterday’s awards ceremony with a bang, thanks to the cast of Glee and an assortment...
We’ve all seen parkour videos before. There are tons on YouTube as people try to make a name for themselves and...
While the last few decades have brought us personal, portable technology, the means to power all these devices still requires being...
At any given month, there’s a whole lot of stupid going on. This video brings it all together, reminding us of...
Family Guy is a genius show. Why? For starters it features a talking dog who acts as if he’s human. I...
Lawrence of Arabia is an absolutely classic film that deserves to be seen by all. Sure, it looks dated now, but...
Last week the biggest news, or so it seemed, in the UK was video footage of a middle-aged woman dumping a...
The Western world has come a long way towards equality. Women can own land, and black people can vote. But still...
Glenn Beck has me in hysterics every time he opens his mouth. He has to be the most fake, insincere, cheesy,...
Here are WebTVHub, we’ve long been enamored with parkour, a thrilling kind of street gymnastics. While the humans have wowed us,...
I’ve never tried snowboarding. Like I’ve never tried skiing, or any winter sports apart from from sledging when I was a...
There’s always a fine line with horror movies; a fine line between being really damn scary and being cheesy and unbelievable....
I’ve seen a few rabbit shows in my time, but none quite like this show in Denmark. Rather than focusing on...
I’ve been known to do some fishing in my time. Well, angling, to be exact, as I’ve always placed the fish...
Don’t you just hate hypocrisy. Don’t you just hate people who put political ambitions above what is right and proper. Don’t...
I’ve covered hundreds, possibly thousands of videos here on WebTVHub over the years. And some of them show something happening which...