Breaking News and Developments about Internet TV and Video Entertainment
There’s an argument that George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, and co. should never have even bothered making Indiana Jones and The Kingdom...
This video features the HD trailer for The Human Centipede, a film which will likely disgust and amuse in fairly equal...
With the Australian election less than three weeks away, locals are already choosing sides and voicing their views. But few do...
If parkour isn’t already exciting enough, why not add some ladders to it to form pomparkour, an even more amazing and...
BlackBerry fans are almost, but not quite, as passionate about their product as iPhone and Apple users in general. Which means...
The modern world shows us that an advertisement doesn’t have to run on television to be effective. Internet-based viral video campaigns...
I know your music tastes are known to change over the years, evolving as you get older and start to appreciate...
Steven Wright is considered one of the greatest stand-up comedians to have ever lived. Deservedly so in my opinion. This video...
Australian music quiz show Spicks and Specks has brought us some amazing quirky talent, from the beer drinking Christa Hughes to...
Rape isn’t funny. Sexual assaults aren’t funny. Physical attacks aren’t funny. And yet, this news report dealing with exactly those subjects...
I’ll be honest and admit I don’t understand the appeal of NASCAR. It’s so dull. Why would you want to watch...
Amazon packages have a short and fairly harsh life. And this one clearly wanted to prolong its life by a few...
We all know the developing world is suffering, but few of us have any idea how to change the situation. This...
Yani Tseng today became the youngest player ever to win three major golf championships. The 21-year-old Taiwanese player won the RICOH...
Last year we saw the folks at Australia’s Aroma Festival in Sydney recreating the Mona Lisa. This year they were at...
This guy is an absolute idiot. His first mistake is making his own firecracker, his second is to go back to...
Motocross rider Paris Rosen had a nasty incident at X Games 16 on Friday night. He tried and failed to pull...
I’m a cat person rather than a dog person. I can’t help it, cats just suit my temperament and personality a...
Most of you will not know the name Paul Yarrow, but if you watch British news broadcasts chances are that you’ve...
Dinner for Schmucks is the new film from Jay Roach, best known for previously directing Meet The Parents and Meet The...
What you see is what you get with this adorable video. It features a cutie-pie baby devouring a watermelon in its...
I’ve yet to fly on an airplane, not through fear of flying or anything, but because I’ve never been anywhere further...
Sitting U.S. President Barack Obama has made an appearance on The View to discuss politics and more. This video shows one...
It doesn’t matter how obscure the football match is, how poor the teams playing may be, or how decidedly average the...
Zack Snyder has a reputation for delivering visually spectacular films, from the Spartan epic 300 to the comic book action flick...
A zedonk has been born at the Chestatee Wildlife Preserve in Dahlonega, Georgia. This video isn’t of that particular zedonk, but...
When we last saw Australian classical act Aston they were putting their unique spin on Rihanna’s “Rude Boy.” This time around...
I really haven’t done much traveling in my life. Too many commitments, too little money. And it’s a real shame because...
Nerds flock to Comic Con in San Diego each year to get a jump on the next big things in pop...
I don’t own an iPhone. I just don’t make enough phone calls to warrant the expense in buying and keeping a...