Breaking News and Developments about Internet TV and Video Entertainment
You may have received an email or been sent a link via social network which ends with the image seen in...
Richard Dawkins is one of the most notable atheists in the world, not afraid to discuss his views that there is...
We’ve all seen the lamp jumping up and down on the letter i at the start of the Pixar movies. But...
The latest series of advertisements for the New York Lottery are incredibly adorable, or at least until the obnoxiously loud tag...
Just when it seemed Australian Idol was a two-horse race comes this knock-out performance from Nathan Brake.
Google is now so dominant a search engine that rather than telling someone to Search online you’re more likely to tell...
Drivers don’t get much more mean spirited than this road menace from Plymouth. In this video we see him deliberately drive...
On Oct. 15, there were reports on all the major news outlets that a young boy was floating around in a...
After 13-year old Melanie Bowers showed up at school with an anti-illegal immigration project, she was jumped by Mexican students who...
Here’s an idea. Why don’t we go snowboarding on a mountain in the middle of winter? And hey, why don’t we...
If this video tells us nothing else, it’s this. If you are so drunk that you can barely stand, you probably...
Seeing their child dropping off the edge of the platform as a train pulls into the station must be just about...
The majority of Americans who followed the Ballon Boy story yesterday on TV for hours were relieved to find out that...
Some say the Bible is outdated and needs to be revised to stay relevant. Others argue that the stories in it...
We’ve all heard of the X-Men, but what about the Eggs Men?
The White House recently held a Fiesta Latina, a festival celebrating Hispanic music and culture. The President, Barack Obama, and his...
The power is probably a little diluted, but even on video you can’t help marveling at this massive fireworks display.
The line between video games (and television and movies for that matter) is already blurred too much, with kids believing they...
This is the movie trailer for a new independent movie called Uncertainty. It was written and directed by Scott McGehee and...
In the tradition of the Super Soaker comes the Oozinator … sort of.
Dyson is one of the most innovative companies in the world. James Dyson is an inventor who is constantly trying to...
W.C. Fields once famously said you should never work with animals or small children. Perhaps Mark Carwadine, of the BBC’s nature...
Everyone is entitled to their political view, no matter how strongly others may disagree with it. And this video shows what...
When a musician dies, the estate always manages to find unreleased material lurking somewhere just waiting to be unleashed on the...
Much like ‘Sex & The City,’ the new web series The Broadroom caters to a niche audience. Unfortunately, most online users...
Big Band and Beyonce doesn’t sound like a natural marriage, but somehow soul star Stan Walker pulled it off on last...
For an advert to grab me these days, and prevent me from changing to another channel, they have to be original...
Drew Barrymore has been an actress for, well, as long as I can remember, appearing in E.T. at the age of...
Last month, VIBE magazine revealed they still had unreleased footage acquired from a 13 year-old interview with influential rapper Tupac Shakur....
Religious intolerance is as bad as sexism, racism, ageism, and any other form of prejudice that exists. But it can, on...