Breaking News and Developments about Internet TV and Video Entertainment
This is the sort of video I sort of wish I could “un-see.” As I can’t, I’m doing the next best...
Michael Jackson has been remembered in a star-studded tribute at the Staples Center in Los Angeles. One of the highlights was...
They say that pugs are the Sarah Palins of the dog world. They’re kind of cute but they’re never going to...
It seems like these days no wedding proposal is too elaborate, as romantic fellows profess their love in ever more public...
Josh Womack is baseball’s equivalent to the Harlem Globetrotters, performing tricks with his baseball bat that have to be seen to...
I generally despise those videos that offer nothing more than static images and terrible music. But this one made me laugh...
She might look like a baby, but the Brooke Greenberg is actually 16 years old. Scientists are puzzled by the case...
There have been a lot of tribute songs floating around the past few days, but this has to be the best...
As the stories of the deaths of Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson played out on media across the world, the Today...
We all know of the amazing camouflage of the chameleon, the cuttlefish, and other creatures from the animal kingdom. Now meet...
Most of us think dolphins are loving, friendly, sea creatures like Flipper and Ecco. But we’ve all been sold a lie....
While the world is mourning Michael Jackson, it’s interesting to note that almost a year to the day earlier, we lost...
I’m blessed to be the proud owner of a very good looking cat. But owners of pets love their animals regardless...
They say everyone’s got a talent, but some are weirder than others. Take Scott Weaver, who’s skilled in the art of...
Matt Preston is a pretty unlikely sex symbol. He’s fat. He wears cravats. He’s got a rather pompous air about him....
70s icon Farrah Fawcett lost her battle with cancer, passing away with friends including her long-term love Ryan O’Neal by her...
Residents of Tulsa, Oklahoma got a bonus with their soda recently: a couple of raccoons! The cute critters were trapped inside...
The first thing I do every morning is make myself a cup of coffee. Well actually that’s a lie, the first...
After months of speculation, Jon and Kate Gosselin have announced their legal separation on their reality TV show, Jon and Kate...
Local advertising is often unintentionally hilarious, marked by small budgets and the bad acting of store owners. This commercial for Bobby...
Reality TV often brings us the weird and the wonderful. This video definitely falls into the former category. Laurie of She’s...
Based on a novel by the same name, written by James Hilton who is narrating this opening, is touted as being...
Porter the musical dog better watch his back. There’s a new cute critter threatening to steal his keyboard-playing crown.
Julian Beever takes sidewalk art to a new level with his incredible pieces. Looking at the finished product, it’s so hard...
Who said cats were cute and lovable? OK, that would be me then, on several different occasions. I admit it, I’m...
The delicacies of other country’s can upset the sensitive palettes of the rest of the world, whether it’s Australia’s Vegemite, Iceland’s...
One of the most bizarre news stories I’ve heard in a while concerns 18-year-old Kimberley Vlaeminck, a Belgian girl who walked...
This sweet romantic film, “Post-It Love,” is set to make you see the world a little brighter.
I must admit, I don’t think an awful lot about my chairs. So long as they’re relatively comfy, I don’t care....
What’s better than just one ferret? A whole box of them!