Breaking News and Developments about Internet TV and Video Entertainment
It’s a dream of many people to see the world through the eyes of a bird. And while it’s impossible to...
By the time you read this iOS 7 should have been released for all Apple devices that run on the mobile...
As you may already be aware, the new Grand Theft Auto game is now out on store shelves. And judging by...
As any gamer worth their salt knows, Grand Theft Auto 5 is now out. A lot of people will have pre-ordered...
It’s been known for many years that professional wrestling in the U.S. is fake. It was blindingly obvious to anyone who...
Insidious 2 opened in movie theaters this weekend, and the reception from audiences has been positive. In fact, Insidious 2 could...
I thought cats were the laziest domestic animals, but after seeing this video I’m not so sure. It looks as though...
I’ve always wanted to have a go on a Segway, those two-wheeled vehicles that stay upright thanks to the clever use...
Colorado has been hit hard by heavy rainfall which has led to flash flooding of biblical proportions. Boulder has been hit...
I’ve seen talking birds before, but I don’t ever recall having seen one tell another to shut the hell up. He’s...
Rather than throwing away a whole smartphone when one component fails, why not just throw away the broken part and keep...
Last week a YouTube video went viral, racking up millions of views. It was also shown on television stations and news...
Apple has unveiled its new iPhones today. Yes, iPhones plural, because for the first time in its history Apple has two...
If you want to become a YouTube star then one possible way of doing so is by forcing your cat to...
This video shows Russell Brand having a pop at Hugo Boss, both the company and the man, for being involved with...
Miley Cyrus has a new song out. It’s called Wrecking Ball, and it has an accompanying music video causing a lot...
Enter Sandman may be my favorite Metallica song of all time, and I doubt I’m alone in thinking that. However, these...
Movies that deal with the worst times in our history are often the most compelling, and it’s for this reason that...
If you’re a smoker then do yourself a favor and watch this video. Don’t turn away, don’t ignore my plea, just...
Fracking is a rather controversial way of extracting natural gas from under the ground. This video attempts to explain the technique,...
Women will watch this video and remain completely nonplussed by what happens. Men, on the other hand, will wince in horror...
Samsung has revealed its new smartwatch at IFA 2013. It’s called the Galaxy Gear, it’s set to cost $299, and it’s...
We have probably all done a smaller, more subtle version of this at some point in our lives. Spinning a coin...
Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s career goes from strength to strength. Not content with merely being a great actor who can sing a little,...
There’s a new Michael Bay movie out… starring Mark Wahlberg and The Rock… and it’s a comedy based on a real-life...
Diana Nyad has completed her marathon swim between the coasts of Cuba and the United States, reaching the Florida Keys on...
What did he expect the mouse to do when he’s sitting poised with a gun pointing straight at the little guy’s...
Gareth Bale is the new most-expensive football player in the world, having moved from Tottenham Hotspur to Real Madrid for an...
Movies are difficult to produce. So many things can go wrong, there are egos to massage, and money seems to disappear...
Veteran broadcaster, journalist, and satirist David Frost has died from a heart attack at the age of 74. He was enjoying...