Breaking News and Developments about Internet TV and Video Entertainment


Exciting New ‘After Earth’ TV Spot Video | M. Night Shyamalan, Will Smith Make Crap Film

This video shows the first TV spot for After Earth, the latest film from M. Night Shyamalan. It looks like his...
Dave Parrack
28 sec read

Jimmy Kimmel Pranks Coachella Festival Goers Video | Except It’s Clearly Fake

This video purports to show Jimmy Kimmel pranking Coachella festival-goers by catching them out with fake bands. But to me it’s...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Google Doodle Celebrates Ella Fitzgerald | Black Coffee Music (Video)

Google Doodle celebrates the 96th birthday of Ella Fitzgerald (1917-1996), one of the most popular jazz singers in America, known as...
Iman Peera
48 sec read

Exciting Thor 2 Trailer Video | Back To Asgard Once More For Thor: The Dark World

This is the first trailer for Thor 2, officially titled Thor: The Dark World. The Marvel comic book movie is due...
Dave Parrack
24 sec read

Watch Awesome WORST NEWS EVER: CISPA LIVES AND FRY DIES Video! | Futurama Comes to an end

Talk about a quirky anchorman! This guy knows all his latest news info and it’s no wonder why he’s successful at...
Iman Peera
47 sec read

Funny How Humans Eat Their Food Parody Video | The Animals Fight Back… With Humor

After the humans decided to mock our friends in the animal kingdom by spoofing the way some species eat, the animals...
Dave Parrack
22 sec read

Watch Enews! Reese Witherspoon and Husband Arrested Video

And now for something cool yet completely unrelated to the dreary news of recent days: This past Sunday, actress Reese Witherspoon...
Iman Peera
51 sec read

Glenn Beck Reveals Boston Conspiracy Video | Right-Winger Claims Saudi Involvement

Glenn Beck is convinced we’re not being told the full story behind the Bombing of the Boston marathon. His “evidence” leaves...
Dave Parrack
27 sec read

Funny Cute Kid Rejects Help Video | Tells Her Dad, “Worry About Yourself!”

Kids are growing up fast these days. In my day seatbelts in the back of cars weren’t even compulsory, now the...
Dave Parrack
24 sec read

Canelo vs Trout Results (Spoiler Alert!) in San Antonio | SHOWTIME Live

The epic boxing match at the Alamadome in San Antonio lived up to the hype in terms of quality. As anticipated...
Iman Peera
48 sec read

Exciting Hemlock Grove Trailer Video | Preview Of New Netflix Original Series

This is the red-band trailer for Hemlock Grove, a new Netflix original that is now available to stream through the subscription-based...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

The Family Guy/Boston Marathon Clip is NOT a Hoax (Video)

What we have here is a scene from “Family Guy” depicting runners at the Boston Marathon being killed and another depicting...
Iman Peera
44 sec read

Weird Cat Loves Hoover Video | Feline Friend Licks End Of Hoover For No Apparent Reason

Two things we really need to figure out here. 1. Why is this cat licking the end of a vacuum cleaner?...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Hilarious Christian Hotline Prank Video | The Fresh Prince Of Bel Air Needs Your Prayers

For those of us who aren’t religious, religious television channels and shows are a little dull, to say the least. They...
Dave Parrack
26 sec read

Uncle Of Marathon Bombing Suspect News Video | Boston Lockdown

This country is just getting more and more paranoid has the years go on. All of Boston is on lock-down as...
Iman Peera
37 sec read

Funny Harrison Ford Talks Star Wars Video | Chewbacca Guests On Jimmy Kimmel

With Disney buying the Star Wars franchise there’s going to be lots of new Star Wars movies coming out. Will Harrison...
Dave Parrack
27 sec read

Gays & Lesbians Are New Illuminati Video | Pat Robertson Declares LGBT Community Evil

Those damn homosexuals. They want to destroy the family, the state, capitalism, and the church. How dare they? What do you...
Dave Parrack
31 sec read

Parks and Recreation Episodes | Patton Oswalt’s Star Wars (Video)

Oh yes, cue the Star Wars intro and then move on to the reason why over a million people actually like...
Iman Peera
41 sec read

West Texas Fertilizer Explosion (Video)

WTF is going on in the world these days to have suicides, kids overdosing on drugs reported as well as bomb...
Iman Peera
38 sec read

Awesome New Man Of Steel Movie Trailer Video | Superman Is Back, & Looking Good

Superman is back. Again. The last attempt at rebooting the most epic of comic book superheroes, with Superman Returns, failed. But...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Awesome Face Lighting Video | How Lighting Changes The Shape & Nature Of A Face

This video is simple but effective, showing how a person’s face changes according to the angle, intensity, and color of the...
Dave Parrack
24 sec read

Hilarious FLASHBACK ATTACK Video by WongFuProductions!

This is exactly I think about every time something real shitty happens. What if I could rewind my memory…so that even...
Iman Peera
34 sec read

‘Girls Love Beyonce’ By Drake Music Video | Tribute/Rip-Off Of Destiny’s Child Say My Name

Apparently Girls Love Beyonce. So says Drake, a rapper who appears to have risen to the top despite possessing no discernible...
Dave Parrack
22 sec read

Great Gorilla Vs. Goose Fight Video | This Zoo Is Only Big Enough For One Fierce Creature

It must be strange for animals living in zoos, especially if they’re taken from the wild and placed in one of...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Runner captures Boston Marathon Explosion! (Video)

This video shows a first hand view of the two bombs that went off within a crowd of onlookers and runners...
Iman Peera
47 sec read

Awe-Inspiring Defiance TV Show Trailer Video | New Syfy Sci-Fi Series Features Alien War

Syfy hasn’t really had a huge hit show since Battlestar Galactica, but the U.S. television channel is hoping Defiance will prove...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Don’t Forget! PewDiePie Video | Batman or Superman?

So this new Youtube internet icon PewDiePie has a new video out where he’s just answering some Q & A junk...
Iman Peera
37 sec read

Justin Bieber’s Comment About Anne Frank News (Video)

So according to CNN, Justin Bieber made a blasphemous mistake on some comment he made while visiting the Anne Frank Museum....
Iman Peera
52 sec read

Macklemore “Thrift Shop” Video | Causes girl to assault her boyfriend

Last week, a woman by the name of Samantha Malson was actually arrested for chocking the hell out of her boyfriend...
Iman Peera
54 sec read

Funny Ferrari Pee Prank Goes Wrong Video | Prankster Almost Takes A Beating

I hate pranks as much as the next person, but this is one which sees me rooting for the prankster by...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read