Breaking News and Developments about Internet TV and Video Entertainment
YouTube is one of the best websites in existence. So much so that it would make my Top 5 list were...
This is the music video for the new song by David Bowie, his first in over a decade. It’s called Where...
This starts out like any other skateboarding video. You have the teenagers pulling stunts, the panning camera shots, and the music...
Piers Morgan isn’t a man to idolize. In fact many people actively dislike the guy. However, there’s no doubting he shone...
Dodgeball is a strange sport, if indeed it can legitimately be classified as a sport. It may be fun but it’s...
This video is a tribute to Freddy E, the YouTube celebrity (from Jerk TV) and aspiring rapper. It comprises a short...
In case you hadn’t noticed 2012 recently morphed into 2013. I know, it happened suddenly and without warning, but hey, you...
Everybody likes seeing celebrities fall from grace, don’t they? How about seeing them pee in the middle of a crowded airport...
Everybody loves fireworks, right. Well, how about fireworks in reverse?
Governor Chris Christie has come out and condemned the House of Representatives, and especially its leader John Boehner. A brave move...
Admit it, you thought you’d seen and heard the worst song in the world when Rebecca Black brought Friday into being....
What did you do for New Year? As 2012 turned into 2013 Taylor Swift and Harry Styles were busy kissing each...
Google has become synonymous with searching online for things: something, anything, whatever you want to learn about. This video, titled Google...
Is there anyone alive who hasn’t wanted to have a go in a wind tunnel? After all, they make it possible...
If you’ve only ever seen one Christmas film it’s likely to have been It’s A Wonderful Life. But I bet you...
This video shows the career highlights reel of Ryan Freel. Normally this would be something to celebrate, but it comes at...
As the Super Mario games are platformers they require the main character, one Super Mario Esq. to jump around a lot....
It’s a sad fact of life that not all videos uploaded to YouTube are destined for greatness. For every one that...
The world is not going to end today. Or tomorrow. Or at any point in our lifetimes. The Mayans have been...
John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John were magical together in Grease, with a natural chemistry that had many people wondering if they...
The end of the world could be nigh, with the Mayan prophecy that everybody has been talking about for at least...
The act of playing video games can be improved by zoning everything out and pretending like you’re actually in the game....
Look At This Instagram! You probably should do while you still have the chance, as the photo-filter, photo-sharing service faces a...
It’s Christmas! And to celebrate we have what could be the best Christmas song of all time. And if not the...
Richard Engel, the chief foreign correspondent for NBC News, has been freed from captivity in Syria after being abducted and held...
Some cats are nice, some are nasty, and some are downright assholes. Teddy belongs to the latter group of felines.
Homeland Season 2 came to an end last night with a spectacular finale that brought some closure while leaving the door...
Christmas carols are boring, especially when you’ve been earing them for at least one month out of every year for several...
If there is anything positive to take from the mass shooting at Sandy Hook elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut, it’s that...
This isn’t new, with the video having been uploaded to YouTube in 2009, and the song being at least a couple...