Breaking News and Developments about Internet TV and Video Entertainment


New Nintendo Wii U Review Video | Polygon Tests Out Successor To The Wii, Gives Verdict

The Wii U from Nintendo was launched today (Nov. 18) in North America. The new console is the successor to the...
Dave Parrack
29 sec read

Amazing Piano Juggler Video | Dan Menendez Could Be Fastest (And Creepiest) Of His Kind

This video shows what could be the fastest piano juggler you will have ever seen. It definitely shows the creepiest piano...
Dave Parrack
27 sec read

Breaking Dawn Part 2 Movie Review Video | The Twilight Saga Comes To An End, Finally

The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2 is a colossal and ultimately crap title for a film. But is the film...
Dave Parrack
27 sec read

Awesome New GTA V Trailer Video | Grand Theft Auto 5 Being Released In Spring 2013

Grand Theft Auto 5 is set to be released in Spring 2013, and about time too. This is one game that...
Dave Parrack
27 sec read

Classic Hostess TV Ad Video | Twinkies & Ding Dongs Baker Goes Out Of Business

Hostess Brands has gone out of business, with most of its 18,500 employees having been immediately dismissed. This classic TV ad...
Dave Parrack
29 sec read

Sarah Silverman’s Smartphone Trick Video | Mouth Photo Looks Rude Joke On Conan

Sarah Silverman is a great comedian. Not only is she funny but she’s always treading a fine line between being family-friendly...
Dave Parrack
23 sec read

Eddie Murphy Interview Video | Extra Asks Murphy About Career As Paige Butcher Hovers

This video shows Eddie Murphy being interviewed by Extra TV. The most interesting aspect of the video for fans of celebrity...
Dave Parrack
27 sec read

The Science Of ‘Morning Wood’ Video | Why Do Men Wake Up With Erections?

Why do men wake up with erections? It’s a question all men (and lots of women) must have asked themselves. This...
Dave Parrack
26 sec read

Channing Tatum Lap Dance Video | Sexiest Man Alive Gives Private Dance To Ellen

This video shows something that happened a couple of years ago, but seeing as Channing Tatum has just been named the...
Dave Parrack
27 sec read

Extreme Rube Goldberg Machine Video | Sporting Heroes Do Anything For A Red Bull

Athletes will do anything for Red Bull, and anything for a Red Bull, or so it seems. Especially if they’re sponsored...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Awesome Black Ops 2 Trailer Video | New Call Of Duty Video Game Released Today

The new Call Of Duty game is out today, and that means businesses around the world are going to experience an...
Dave Parrack
24 sec read

Are Paywalls the Future?

Paywalls are still in their infancy, and whether they end up being viable remains to be seen.
35 sec read

Romney’s Concessions Speech Song Video | Presidential Loser Songified One Last Time

It’s been almost a week since Barack Obama won the U.S. Election and the right to remain President for another four...
Dave Parrack
28 sec read

Auguste Rodin Gets Google Doodle Video | The Works Of the Father Of Modern Sculpture

Today (Nov. 12) is the birthday of Auguste Rodin, described by many as the father of modern sculpture. To celebrate the...
Dave Parrack
27 sec read

Romney Vs. Obama Fight To The Death Video | Presidential Hopefuls Face Off Again

The election is over. What do you mean, no one told you? It is, and Obama won. Some people are very...
Dave Parrack
29 sec read

Geeky Google Nexus 4 Review Video | New Android-Powered LG Handset Gets Rated

The latest Google-branded Nexus handset has arrived. It’s called the Nexus 4, it’s manufactured by LG, and according to most reviews,...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Awesome ‘Minecraft Style’ Music Video | Blocky Gangnam Style Parody Not By PSY

I must admit the appeal of Minecraft is beyond me. What am I missing? However, I can appreciate Gangnam Style by...
Dave Parrack
26 sec read

Nate Silver Explains His Election Predictions Video | Political Data Picks U.S. President

Nate Silver, the New York Times/FiveThirtyEight blogger who other political pundits love to hate, called the U.S. Presidential Election exactly right....
Dave Parrack
28 sec read

Diane Sawyer Drunk On Air Video | Anchor Clearly Sozzled During ABC Election Night

I’ve been drunk plenty in my life. I know what it looks and sounds like. Diane Sawyer may deny it but...
Dave Parrack
24 sec read

Hilarious Karl Rove Vs. Math Video | Republican Clutches At Straws On Fox News

Karl Rove isn’t stupid. In fact, he’s clearly a very intelligent man who has got where he has by showing common...
Dave Parrack
30 sec read

How To Make Your Video Go Viral Video | Buyral Does The Hard Work On YouTube

Anybody and everybody who makes videos and uploads them to YouTube dreams that one day one of them will go viral,...
Dave Parrack
29 sec read

Barack Obama Vs. Mitt Romney Video | Epic Rap Battles Of History – U.S. Election Special

Today is the day when the U.S. votes to choose its President for the next four years. Will it be Barack...
Dave Parrack
26 sec read

How To Light A Bonfire Video | Remember, Remember The Fifth Of November: Bazookas

It’s Bonfire Night, or Guy Fawkes’ Night in the U.K., when we Brits commemorate the failure of the Gunpowder Plot to...
Dave Parrack
27 sec read

Educational Electoral College Explained Video | How Your Vote Counts In 2012 Election

The U.S. Presidential Election has finally arrived, after months of campaigning by both sides, rallies, television debates, and bitter commercial attacking...
Dave Parrack
28 sec read

Top 250 IMDb Movies Compilation Video | The Highest-Rated Films In Under Three Minutes

If you’re into movies at all then the chances are you will have heard of IMDb (the Internet Movie Database). This...
Dave Parrack
32 sec read

Daylight Savings Time Explained Video | Why Do We Spring Forward & Fall Back Each Year?

It’s that time of year again when those of us in certain parts of the world put our clocks back an...
Dave Parrack
31 sec read

Pumpktris – Pumpkin Tetris Game Video | Awesome Gaming Geek Treat For Halloween

Halloween may be over for another year (thankfully for those of us who hate this stupid tradition) but that doesn’t mean...
Dave Parrack
26 sec read

Stunning Wreck-It Ralph Trailer Video | New Disney Animated Movie Starring John C. Reilly

Wreck-It Ralph is the new animated movie from Disney, starring John C. Reilly as the voice of the titular Ralph, a...
Dave Parrack
26 sec read

Suicide Silence Vocalist Mitch Lucker Dead (Video) | Slaves to Substance (Mantis Dubstep Remix)

Mitch Lucker, the lead singer of Suicide Silence, was killed on Halloween night in California during a motorcycle accident. The news...
Iman Peera
29 sec read

Funny Meat Loaf Endorses Mitt Romney Video | ‘America The Beautiful’ Ruined Forever

Meat Loaf is a Republican and has endorsed Mitt Romney for President. As is his right as a U.S. citizen. However,...
Dave Parrack
29 sec read