Nicki Minaj Is Gay-Z Video | Slow Singer’s Voice Down & She Sounds Like Camp Jay-Z

27 sec read

It turns out that if you slow Nicki Minaj’s voice down a little she sounds exactly like Jay-Z. Well, more like Gay-Z actually, as this is one camp-sounding version of the New York rapper.

The difference is, of course, that Jay-Z actually has some talent, whereas Nicki Minaj is, well, I haven’t quite worked it out as yet. She’s certainly not anything approaching good, that’s for sure.

Minaj keeps changing her style, being a hardcore rapper one minute, a Justin Bieber pop tartlet the next, and then a stupid hoe to finish. Perhaps Gay-Z could be her next transformation.

I must admit I listened to this twice, whereas I normally couldn’t make it through a Minaj song even once. That says something, I’m just not sure what exactly.

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