Having spent Christmas sitting on the toilet for long stretches of time, I’m loathe to laugh and poke fun at people with a tendency for loose bowels. But this video is too funny to ignore. I can only apologize and hope fate has a sense of humor.
Oops I Crapped My Pants is a new product on the market just for gullible people with the shits.
As the video demonstrates, Oops I Crapped My Pants means Granny can play tennis without worrying she’s about to follow through. And not on a shot, but in the undercarriage department.
Worried that it’ll still spill out the side of your pants? There’s no need, as the demonstration shows just how much fecal matter Oops I Crapped My Pants can handle – a shitload, of you will.
Oops I Crapped My Pants isn’t available in stores. Or on the Web. Because it doesn’t exist. Shame.