Search results for: cats
Proof, if proof was needed, that dogs are evil and cats are awesome.
If your girlfriend forces you to look after her cat while she’s away you may as well make the most of...
Take four goats, add a bendy sheet of metal, and then sit back and watch the fun. And then watch it...
Cats love snow, even though it’s essentially water, which they hate with a passion. They get used to snow very quickly...
Cats are extremely cute at all times… except for when they go out hunting. At which point they turn into heartless...
Dogs are dumb. There, I said it. If you don’t believe me, perhaps because you yourself have a pet dog in...
If you own a cat, though own isn’t really the right word when it comes to having a cat as part...
I thought cats were the laziest domestic animals, but after seeing this video I’m not so sure. It looks as though...
If you want to become a YouTube star then one possible way of doing so is by forcing your cat to...
Cats are just pets. Animals that we have domesticated and made our friends, mainly for selfish reasons. Or are they? This...
There has been a trend of late for people to film soldiers returning home from long stints abroad only to be...
Seeing humans running and leaping around partaking in the sport they call parkour (or freerunning) is entertaining, but seeing cats doing...
Yawning is contagious. If someone yawns in your vicinity then it’s likely you will also yawn. Yawn near a group of...
No one seems to know why but cats love cardboard boxes, but they do. Oh, they do. If you want to...
Have you ever wondered how animals eat their food? I don’t mean dogs and cats, which anyone who owns one of...
This cat really doesn’t like being bathed. In fact, it hates the experience so much it screams, “No,” over and over...
I see dogs getting taken for walks every single day. But I’ve never seen a dog getting taken for a walk...
This video shows a kitten that supposedly doesn’t know if it’s a cat or a goat, at least judging by the...
This dog is asleep on its owners bed, dreaming away about chasing sticks in the park (probably), and snoring in about...
You don’t often see cats swimming, mostly because they’ll stay away from water at all costs. It’s not that they can’t...
Also useful if you want to mildly annoy your cats. As if they don’t walk around in a state of annoyance...
Wreck-It Ralph is the new animated movie from Disney, starring John C. Reilly as the voice of the titular Ralph, a...
Ah, poor moggy. Then again surely it’s better to be slightly uncomfortable than have those pouches bouncing around.
This starts out as a really sweet video, with a young girl dancing merrily away to a song, lost in her...
This video shows a cat performing tricks you would normally associate with dogs. Sitting, standing, shaking hands, rolling over, and even...
This video shows a kitten whose attempt at surprising his friend goes terribly wrong. Fail. Pwned. And all those other Web-centric...
As a cat owner I have seen my beloved pet doing some strange and wonderful things. But he, or any of...
There are two things I never tire of seeing on YouTube (apart from cute cats, naturally): the Gingers Have Souls clip...
This dog has clearly had a spiteful swot to the nose from his feline friend before. He learned his lesson, and...