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GirlFriday: Australian Web Series For Women | Online Comedy For ‘Bridget Jones’ Fans

Here we have yet another Australian web series. Only this time the intended audience includes those who enjoy shows like Ugly...
Iman Peera
45 sec read

Funny QVC Prank Call Video | “Dells Are Great For Porno” Says Customer

Most guys that watch pornography at least try to hide it. The man calling in this video, however, wants the whole...
Iman Peera
25 sec read

Hayden Panettiere’s Sexual Harrassment Public Service Announcement Spoof Video

We know hottie Hayden Panettiere as the cheerleader on Heroes and a whale rights activist. Here we see a different side...
Lauren Katulka
22 sec read

‘Something To Be Desired’ Web Series | Online Comedy About Life After College

Since the summer of 2003, the web sitcom ‘Something to Be Desired’ has been trying to show viewers how funny life...
Iman Peera
40 sec read

News Clip Video | Are Plastic Water Bottles Safe?

And here I thought we were done with the massive amounts of “evil plastic water bottle” reports. But we’re not. Goodie.
25 sec read

PopCrunch Video Update | Katie Holmes Is Crazy & Pamela Anderson Is An Old Whore

This latest update from the PopCrunch show is dedicated to “exposing the celebrity underground, one drunken loser and hack at a...
Iman Peera
27 sec read

Weird Animal Vid | What on Earth is a Pangolin?

This African animal has to be one of the weirdest I’ve ever seen. It looks like some sort of cross between...
Lauren Katulka
23 sec read

Hilarious Austrailian Commercial | Get Rid Of Your One-Night-Stand With WhizBiz

Have you ever woken up with a pounding headache and some cotton mouth from hell, only to roll over and sigh...
Julie Popp
21 sec read

Spoof Infomercial For Paedophile Beards (Video) | To Compliment Your Rapist Glasses

This video is a brilliantly anarchic, satirical look at how people appear to look to others, as it introduces the concept...
Dave Parrack
29 sec read

Doctor Who – Dukes Of Hazzard Spoof Video | David Tennant Is The Duke Of Galifrey

The new series of the new Doctor Who began last Saturday in the UK, and to celebrate the series return, a...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Credit Card Commercials | 13 Credit Card Mindjobs To Suck You Into Debt

Credit card advertisers have a difficult task – after all they are selling debt! Think about it. Credit cards are a...
Chris Tew
1 min read

Forget The Rules: Interactive Web Series About Roommates | Online Australian Dramedy

For those looking for both a good laugh and cry, look no further than ‘Forget the Rules.’ Since 2006, the Australian...
Iman Peera
43 sec read

Jason Castro “American Idol” Video | Beautiful Acoustic Take on “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”

Jason Castro has had a difficult American Idol journey. His sweet brand of mellow guitar-driven goodness is so unlike anything the...
Lauren Katulka
25 sec read

Britney Spears On Drugs? | Crazy Video Footage Before The Hair-Shaving Incident

We remember the days when Britney was just funny crazy, not crazy crazy; and that was also the days of her...
Julie Popp
33 sec read

Live Reporting Accidents Video Compilation | The Dangers of Being a TV Reporter

On-the-street reporters often put themselves in more danger than we give them credit for. Since they are reporting live, virtually anything...
Iman Peera
26 sec read

Awesome Explosion Video | Underwater Nuke Just Keeps Going

Now that is one way to go out fishing…
22 sec read

Urban Ninja Video | This Man has the Moves!

At first glance this guy looks like your average Asian businessman. But when he rips off the tie and strips off...
Lauren Katulka
24 sec read

Awesome Tornado Video | One Massive Tornado

Now that is one massively huge tornado.
23 sec read

Watch ‘DEA’ Full Episodes Online | New Reality Show Like COPS, But With More Drugs

‘COPS’ has been the reigning king of reality police-force shows since forever. But as of last week, SpikeTV in collaboration with...
Iman Peera
38 sec read

Plane Emergency Landing on Highway (Vid) | Caught On Tape

Ok, we all know (or should know anyway) what to do if a police car or an ambulance comes screaming up...
Julie Popp
26 sec read

Teen “Steals” Xbox 360 Then Gets Cyber Bullied Video | “Wiseass” Thief on FOX News

When a 16 year old claimed to steal another man’s Xbox 360, the victim exposed the thief online and unknowingly started...
Iman Peera
28 sec read

Jimmy Kimmel Covers Unnecessary Censorship (Vid) | Is It BLEEPIN’ Necessary?

The politicians will go to great lengths to protect the American people. Not through health care, not through affordable living, but...
Julie Popp
31 sec read

Men Are Better Than Women Video | Dick Masterson On Dr. Phil Insulting All Women

This video is one of the most shocking I’ve ever seen on YouTube, purely because I didn’t know there were men...
Dave Parrack
26 sec read

THE SCREAM: New Web Series For Horror Fans | Blood, Babes, Boobs, & Bodies

THE SCREAM is a half-hour web series about everything there is to love in the genre of horror, including the four...
Iman Peera
37 sec read

Cheesy 80s Electric Six Music Video | So Bad It’s Brilliant

I admit it. I’ve got a tragic love of all things from the 1980s. And the more terrible it is, the...
Lauren Katulka
24 sec read

Disturbing Documentary Video | The World According to Monsanto

It seems like every day I get more and more reasons to hate big tycoon-ish businesses. The evils of Monsanto top...
25 sec read

Acting Legend Charlton Heston Dies | CNN’s Trubite to The Artist & Activist

If you’ve ever watched a movie, chances are you’ve heard of Charlton Heston. And if you’ve flipped on the TV today,...
Iman Peera
28 sec read

Beijing Summer Olympics China 2008 Torch Relay Protests Video | Right Or Wrong?

Giving the Olympic Games to China was always going to prove a controversial decision. People against the decision have now started...
Dave Parrack
31 sec read

A Comicbook Orange Video | Comic Book Legend Frank Miller

I am a woman who loves her comic books. Get over it.
22 sec read

11-Year-Old Tazered By Police | What’s the World Coming To?

For years tazers have been a popular police weapon for subduing violent crims. But recently overzealous cops have come under fire...
Lauren Katulka
25 sec read