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The Digg Reel: Aggregates The Week’s Best Digg Videos | Digg Starts Own Online Show

Rather than frantically checking every spare second, there is now a show that highlights the most dugg videos of the...
Iman Peera
47 sec read

Unbelievable News Story Video | Australian Teenagers Gone Wild

Imagine having a party and five hundred people show up. These five hundred people proceed to damage police cars, cause chaos,...
25 sec read

First 30: Penn State’s Online Reality Show | Webisodes About Life As A College Freshman

The transition from High School to College is, no doubt, a drastic one. “First 30” is a show that attempts to...
Iman Peera
45 sec read

Tom Cruise Scientology Video Bloopers | This Was Just Begging for a Parody

Tom Cruise hasn’t made a lot of friends with his frequent scientology rants, and now there has been a video of...
Kristy Pruitt
30 sec read

Recent News Video | Flight BA 038 Makes Crash Landing at Heathrow

Breaking news not long ago, Flight BA 038 has had to make an emergency landing at Heathrow.
23 sec read

Kim Kardashian Drunk? PopCrunch Video | Who’s On Your Celebrity Fantasy DUI List?

The latest PopCrunch update isn’t about the current celebrity dirt at all; it’s about the future celebrity dirt. Unfortunately, the uncensored...
Iman Peera
25 sec read

Crazy Video Of Fish Catching Men | Or Is It The Other Way Around?

Now here is a survival tip we can give to Survivorman and Bear Giles; to catch food while you are lost...
Julie Popp
30 sec read

Macworld 2008 – Steve Jobs Keynote Speech In 60 Seconds | iPhones and Macbook Airs

Macworld 2008 has just finished, and Steve Jobs was there as usual, delivering his annual keynote speech with that casual manner...
Dave Parrack
23 sec read

RunawayBox: Tons of Funny Web Series Updated Daily | HBO’s Online Video Project

If you miss your new TV shows, here’s the next best thing: regularly updated web series brought to you by the...
Iman Peera
44 sec read

Funny High School Prank Video | Orchestra Teacher Pulls Out Chair From Student

I’ve been to a few orchestra concerts in my school years. Hell, I was even part of an orchestra concert at...
Iman Peera
25 sec read

Armless Swimmer Video | Disability Is a Subjective Term

What happens when you put a man with no arms in a swimming competition? It sounds like a tasteless joke, but...
Kristy Pruitt
22 sec read

Funny Video Of A Drunk Girl | What Do Guys Really Think?

Only someone on par with Britney Spears would start off a conversation with a boy at a dance club by calling...
Julie Popp
29 sec read

Renaldo Lapuz “American Idol” Audition Video | Asian Superhero Pimp Makes Judges Sing

American Idol is back! You know what that means: a whole lot of “memorable” auditions before we get into the serious...
Lauren Katulka
28 sec read

Fifty Perfect Celebrity Impressions Parody Video | Keanu Reeves, Stallone and Pacino

There have been a spate of impression videos on YouTube and the like over the last few months. It seems to...
Dave Parrack
29 sec read

Interesting Science Video | Science Sensei on Subliminal Messages

When an election campaign really starts going, you can usually count on someone mentioning subliminal messages.
25 sec read

Penn & Teller Take On Gun Control

You may know Penn and Teller as magicians, but they also have another side. In a series of videos, they declare...
23 sec read

Watch Arrested Development Full Episodes | Seasons 1-3 Streaming on MSN Video

You may remember Arrested Development as one of those shows that was mysteriously cancelled. If you’re one of the many who...
Iman Peera
31 sec read

The Downfall Of HD-DVD Vs Blu Ray (Hitler & Nazi Party Spoof Video | Fanboys Heaven

The battle for supremacy in the next generation high definition DVD format wars is getting nastier and more complicated by the...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Wacky Japanese Sport Video | Table Cloth Competition and a Dancing Gay Guy

In most English-speaking countries table cloth tricks are considered just that- tricks. In Japan, on the other hand, the activity can...
Iman Peera
25 sec read

Watch MythBusters Full Episodes Online | Commercial-Free Discovery Channel Shows

The Discovery channel may be a nerd’s choice for TV, but certainly not for online entertainment. In the past, the Discovery...
Iman Peera
41 sec read

Funny The ‘Real’ History of Guns In America Video | Michael Moore’s States Harsh Facts

The first Amendment makes sense “freedom of speech, press, assembly and to petition”. Though, I never understood why some Amendments were...
Iman Peera
33 sec read

Rare Chris Farley Video | Picking Up Girls at the Mall

I miss Chris Farley. He was (and still is) one of my all-time favorite comedians. Here we have a seldom seen...
Kristy Pruitt
24 sec read

Jim Jeffries Performing At Comedy Blue Video | Offensive Comedy At Its Disgusting Best

This is a video clip of Australian comedian Jim...
Dave Parrack
23 sec read

Jon Stewart Reacts to Hilary Clinton’s “Tears” | A Meltdown Or Media Hype?

Ok, probably like most of you I heard all over the TV and the internet about Hilary’s supposed meltdown, or crying...
Julie Popp
39 sec read

The Burg: Online Sitcom About Hipsters in Brooklyn | Life In An Indie Rock Scene

If you know anything about Williamsburg, Brooklyn, you should know that the once-rundown neighborhood has had a recent transformation. It has...
Iman Peera
37 sec read

“Mythbusters” Goes Dutch Video | Phone Book Myth Put to the Test

In the Netherlands, aspiring science geeks were encouraged to submit home made myth-busting videos. Competition was fierce, with many lured by...
Lauren Katulka
26 sec read

Chinese Board Game Commercial Parody | This Looks Dangerous, Yet Fun

We’ve featured lots of funny stuff from Japanese TV here on Web TV Hub. Now here’s a bizarre little Chinese board...
Kristy Pruitt
23 sec read

PopCrunch Show Update Video | Jamie Lynn Spears, Miley Cyrus, & Rosie Crunched

Your weekly dose of celebrity gossip is back again. We already knew that Jamie Lynn Spears was, unfortunately, following in her...
Iman Peera
27 sec read

The Most Pointless YouTube Video Ever? | Can Anyone Explain The Appeal To Me Please

What the hell? Am I missing something here? This video has had over 2 million page views and I can’t understand...
Dave Parrack
26 sec read

Funny Riegel & Blatt “Weekend Plans” Music Video | 30 And Married?

Weekend Plans on These guys sing a funny song and tune that at first looks like a poor attempt to...
Julie Popp
41 sec read