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Comedy Central’s Lil’ Bush First Episode (Vid) | The Bush Administration At Its Finest

Lil’ George Bush, Lil’ Connie Rice, and Lil’ Dick Cheney, and even an appearance by Lil’ Bill Clinton and Lil’ Hilary...
Julie Popp
37 sec read

Wacky Golfing Richochet Video – Golfer Working on His Drive Lands in the Water

There are certain things that only happen on TV: one-punch knockouts, gorgeous women who are completely unaware of how pretty they...
Michael van Cleave
37 sec read

Prank Video | Fat Boss Thinks He’s Breaking Chairs

Since the invention of the internet, it’s not enough to simply play a prank. No, today tricks simply don’t count unless...
Lauren Katulka
28 sec read

Funny Short Film by On the Lot’s Zach Lipovsky | Die Hardly Working

Fox’s On the Lot is a reality TV show in which aspiring filmmakers compete to win a million dollar development deal...
Kristy Pruitt
29 sec read

China’s Fly Slayer Video | Mr Hu is a One Man Swat Team

Like any kung fu master, Mr. Hu uses his lightning fast reflexes to bring about the fall of his enemies. Yet,...
Lauren Katulka
31 sec read

Aging Face Photos | 3 Minute Video of Girl’s Face Aging Over 3 Years of Her Life

How many people do you know who would have the patience to take a single photograph of themselves everyday, for 3...
Hemlyn Ratnam
21 sec read

Instant Beer Freeze Trick Video | How To Enjoy An Ice Cold Beer In Seconds

How cool is that? I like a nice cold beer from time time, but I’ve never had one this cold before!...
Dave Parrack
44 sec read

Fallout 3 Trailer | Awesome New Video Game Preview

For those who remember the smash hit and 1997 game of the year Fallout, news of the resurrection of the Fallout...
Brendan Van Voris
42 sec read

Hey, Paula! Video Clip | Paula Abdul Loves Perfume

Maybe you’ve been living under a rock and haven’t heard . . . Paula Abdul now has her own reality show....
Katrina Robinson
32 sec read

Crazy Melissa on Hell’s Kitchen Video | Chef Calls Her a Jumped-Up Little Cave Woman

I don’t know about you, but the whole time I was watching this last episode of Hell’s Kitchen, I was wondering...
Julie Popp
48 sec read

Funny Dogs Video Montage | This is Why They’re Called Man’s Best Friend

This funny dogs video montage will bring out the dog lover in you. Even if you’re not a dog person, you’ll...
Kristy Pruitt
34 sec read

Drag Queens on “Dog Eat Dog” Video | Can You Pick the Real Woman?

This premise of this segment from American game show Dog Eat Dog is simple. A typical college jock is asked to...
Lauren Katulka
37 sec read

Extreme Hill Climbing Vid – The Little Dune Buggy That Could Takes a Tumble

The world would be a pretty shitty place without grandmas. They have nothing to do with this clip, but I couldn’t...
Chris Tew
50 sec read

Hilarious Voice Chat Prank | Duke Nukem Soundboard Harassment

It has been a few years since the last time anyone did anything truly fantastic with soundboards, but if there was...
Chris Tew
47 sec read

Amazing Orca Vid | Killer Whales Work Together as a Team!

This video is outrageous. As the host mentions, this type of behavior has only been witnessed a few times in history,...
Katrina Robinson
35 sec read

Google Recruitment Video Spoof Remix

The above video is a remix of the Google recruitment advert, and does a great job of spoofing the original. First...
Dave Parrack
41 sec read

Tyler Mullendore Video | “Canadian Idol” Hippie Wows With “Have a Little Faith In Me”

While watching Canadian Idol this season, you’d be forgiven for forgetting it’s 2007. While Jaydee Bixbee is belting out rockabilly standards,...
Lauren Katulka
25 sec read

Highway Accident Vid – Semi-Truck Shreds Car

Most of us don’t need anyone to tell us that life can be fleeting but this clip is certainly a good...
Michael van Cleave
47 sec read

Yoda Breakdances for Star Troopers | Star Wars Video Spoof

Well, if you are a Star Wars fan at all, then you are already aware of the fact that large things...
Julie Popp
25 sec read

Clip of World Record Space Jump | Man Falls at Nearly the Speed of Sound

In 1960, a man by the name of Joe Kittinger rode a helium balloon into outer space, then jumped out and...
Kristy Pruitt
29 sec read

Crazy Maury Povich Video | Guest Terrified by Peaches!

Everyone has their own personal phobia that they must deal with every day. Some people are afraid of the dark, others...
Katrina Robinson
33 sec read

Second Life Comedy Video | Real Life Spoof

Second Life, it’s a weird concept, at least to me, yet I know there are thousands of people addicted to the...
Dave Parrack
28 sec read

Human Tetris Video Clip on Japanese Game Show

Ah Japan, wonderful Japan. Land of the Rising Sun, Sake, Sushi, Pokémon, martial arts and now, Human Tetris. One can’t deny...
Hemlyn Ratnam
32 sec read

Will Ferrell clip| Pearl’s Farewell Performance

Will Ferrell has caught some flack for including his friend’s toddler in his online comedy skits, but few would say the...
Michael van Cleave
27 sec read

Awesome Painting to Music Video | Artist Paints a Picture of Ray Charles to His Music

It’s truly amazing to watch an artist create a masterpiece from start to finish, but add some music and a little...
Kristy Pruitt
40 sec read

Matt Harding’s “Special” Dancing | Dance With Matt Around the World Videos

From the Great Wall of China, to the Egyptian Tombs, to the Mayan Ruins, thousands of people have followed Matt Harding...
Julie Popp
41 sec read

Ultimate Domino Effect Video

As a child, I remember making domino trails in my living room. There were never many dominoes as my family only...
Lauren Katulka
27 sec read

Crazy Guy on American Inventor Clip

Reality tv is full of loony people, but so many of them are merely performing for the camera. However, this guy...
Brendan Van Voris
33 sec read

Insane Star Wars Hooker Video | Disturbing Fantasy Comes to Life!

This hooker really does care about her customers’ fantasies. She has gone so far as to get an outfit custom made...
Katrina Robinson
21 sec read

Lord Of the Rings Film Trilogy | Animated Video Spoof

The Lord Of The Rings movies were fantastic, translating the classic books to film superbly. But there’s always room for improvement,...
Dave Parrack
55 sec read