I went to see Terminator Salvation last night, the latest in the long-running Terminator movie series. It was good, Christian Bale was OK, and director McG did a good job of bringing the dystopian future to life.
However, what if it wasn’t just a movie from the minds of screenwriters? What if this future where the machines, robots, and integrated computer systems we are creating now become self-aware and want to erase humanity of the face of the planet comes true?
You may think it’s far-fetched but there have been plenty of books and movies written discussing the subject. The Matrix, I Robot, and Terminator are just three such pieces of work. It could happen you know, as this video shows.
There are companies creating gun-wielding robots and machines right now. While they may currently be quite simple and human-controlled, they won’t always be. Just look at the robot policeman RoboteX imagine walking our streets in years to come.
Scared? Yes, I am a little.