There are very few music videos which break through into mainstream consciousness like Beyonce’s Single Ladies. We’ve seen some fat guy spoofing it, and one of the Jonas brothers, and now comes the turn of a dancing baby. In his nappy.
There is something extremely entertaining and addictive about the Single Ladies music video. Whether it’s the music itself, the choreography, or the chance to see Beyonce’s fine ass, for some reason people keep watching it.
There’s no doubt part of the appeal is the opportunity to try out the dance for yourself. And this isn’t limited just to teenage girls and people trying to make a name for themselves on YouTube. Even babies can dance like Beyonce.
For a kid of no older than two, he does brilliantly. He may not yet be able to pee standing up but his right leg has a mind of its own and he shakes his body like a pro. One can only assume he agrees with Kanye West that Beyonce should have won the VMA instead of Taylor Swift.