Each and everyone of has unfulfilled dreams; things we wish we’d done but have never got to do. Whether it be through lack of ambition, lack of money, or lack of time, we’re all likely to die still having one thing left to do.
So MTV sent four young men on a road trip to fulfill their top 100 things to do before they die. And along the way, while fulfilling their goals, they also ask those they meet what they want to do, and then help them achieve it.
The show is called The Buried Life and sounds like an amazing concept. It taps into our deep-seated fears that we’re failing to make the most of life, leaving things until a later date that we really should just get on and do now.
The Buried Life premiered last night. It’s fun, entertaining, heartening, and inspirational. Which is exactly what television should be. Watch it, and then make your own list.