What is your dream car? A Porsche? A Lamborghini? A Ferrari? A BMW? How about a car called The Skateboard, which can turn in to any car you have ever desired?
That’s what is currently being developed, and as you can see in this video, it’s no pipe dream of the far future, there is a working model available right now.
This car is electric, and besides having an ingeniously designed chassis, has endless possibilities lying ahead of it. Here we see how young designers conceive the chassis being used in the future.
I’m still not convinced that electricity is going to be the auto mobile propulsion system of the future, but with designers working on technology such as this, maybe the world’s oil supplies running out won’t be such a bad thing after all.
If we do all start driving around in oversized skateboards, I don’t think police officer Salvatore Rivieri will be a very happy bunny… but screw him, he’s a first class jerk.