Is this real? Seriously? I don’t begrudge anyone making a living in whatever way they see fit, but selling dog crap on the Internet? That alone makes the show this clip comes from, Very Worst Jobs In The World, earn its title.
This woman had the obviously genius yet clearly also bizarre idea of collecting her dog’s excrement, bagging it up, and selling it on the Web. She sells it to people looking for revenge on an ex or someone bad in their life.
We have Nick Frost, from Shaun Of The Dead, Hot Fuzz etc narrating about a woman who sends crap to people and makes money from doing so. How truly unfathomable.
The level of detail she goes into is also bizarre, from what she feeds the dogs to what makes a good poo and what the process of bagging it up and sending it is like. Seriously woman, have you not got anything better to do with your life?
Maybe I’m just jealous that I didn’t think of it first. After all, it’s a very easy job because the dogs do all the work. One thing I don’t understand though – why would anyone buy poo when they could just go out to the park with a shovel?