If you’ve visited Google in the past few hours you may be wondering why the homepage has a barcode as its logo. This video explains why with a potted history of the barcode and how it took over the world.
A barcode is that strange set of alternating black and white line on almost every product for sale these days. It holds information on the product and helps retailers keep track of stock very easily.
Before the invention of the barcode, shop assistants had to ring everything up at the till manually. Now, they just scan the barcode and it’s on to the next customer.
Today is the 57th anniversary of the first patent for the barcode, and this year is also the 36th anniversary of the first trial run of the system.
The barcode not only revolutionized retail but it also signaled the start of the computer age and a time when more systems and methods of working became automated. Whether that’s a good thing or not depends on your point of view.