The Inbetweeners Movie is out now in the U.K., and only the U.K. because I don’t think any other country know what The Inbetweeners are.
This is a spoof version of the trailer for the film. The team behind The Sims 3 have used the game to create characters who look like Will, Simon, Jay, and Neil, and tried to sum the movie up using just scenes from the PC title.
This works incredibly well. It doesn’t follow the trailer exactly, but it gives an essence of The Inbetweeners Movie which makes me want to go and see it even more.
For those not in the U.K. I’d highly recommend checking the sitcom out. Yes, the humor is very British, and yes, it’s a little rude at times. But funny is funny in any culture isn’t it? Even the Germans would laugh at this.