Tumblr is down, again. But this one isn’t the usual minutes-long outage, no, this time Tumblr has been down for more than 12 hours and counting. That’s a hell of a long downtime for such a high profile site.
Tumblr is a very addictive platform which combines elements of Facebook, Twitter, and blogging. It enables people to stream their lives by way of text, photos, or videos. And it’s definitely worth checking out.
However, don’t try right now, because Tumblr is down, and has been for the best part of a day. And that’s making a lot of people very unhappy as they suddenly experience withdrawal symptoms.
This song is one guy’s answer to Tumblr being down for such a long period of time. It’s a horrible racket, granted, but that obviously represents his anguish at Tumblr being down. Still, I wouldn’t buy it as a single on iTunes.