This video is kind of funny because you wonder what level of intelligence the man ringing 911 has… very little. But it has a serious side because he is taking up the valuable time of emergency services – time that could be better spent catching criminals and saving people’s lives.
This man goes to Burger King after work to get some food. While ordering at the window, he is informed that the store has run out of lemonade. While most people would tut and then order a different drink instead, this guy decides to ring 911.
Part of me wishes the operator had just put the phone down on the guy, because it’s instantly clear he hasn’t got a serious problem (except in the brain cell department), but she keeps him on and even sends the police out to assist.
Unfortunately for him, they aren’t on their way to demand Burger King conjure some lemonade out of thin air, and instead caution the man for inappropriate use of the emergency services. Justice is served!