Watch Andrew Tate BBC Interview: Influencer Challenged on Misogyny & Rape Allegations Celeb News Video

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“A woman who claims social media influencer Andrew Tate raped her is planning to sue him.

“She says Tate, notorious for his misogynistic views, later told her he “owned” her and threatened to kill her.

“Now aged 30, the woman, who we are not naming, said: “We were having sex and he put his hands round my throat and strangled me until I lost consciousness. And when I came round he was still having sex with me, still on top of me.

“”The next day, all the white had gone completely red in one of my eyes. I looked it up afterwards and it was just lack of oxygen to your brain where your blood vessels start bursting to try and get more oxygen into your brain. That was quite scary.””

Read more at Sky News

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