Shake up a coke bottle and get ready for some slushie! Science is a beautiful thing. Take any bottle of soda, and get it to freeze on command! This “super cool” trick works with cans of soda as well.
To date, I haven’t seen any tutorials on exactly how to get this “self-freezing coke” effect, so I’m excited to release this video in response to thousands of viewer requests.
Step one, shake that sucker up. Then stick it in the freezer for three hours and fifteen minutes. At this point I’m lost by the quick viewing of the coke being frothy slushie goodness.
Human eyes are attracted to fast moving objects after all and not necessarily someone’s words. Sooo I’ll continue to back up his step by step instructions in hope that it will help at all.
So basically, at this point you can release the pressure, tighten the cap and turn it upside down. Watch it freeze up instantly and voila! But wait, it’s not done yet! Follow the video to see how it works!
(The trick that works on any soda!)