Watch ‘Friend Request’ Jeremy Jahns Horror Movie Review Video | Social Media Jump Scares

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Oh, Jeremy Jahns. Why did you go and do this to yourself?

“Friend Request is very much the bad movie everyone conjured in their heads when they first heard about Unfriended.

“Remember Unfriended? It was that horror film from a few years ago that unfolded entirely from the vantage of a teenage girl’s laptop screen.

“Even if you could barely stomach its shrilly vapid characters—each squashed into their own video chat window—it was hard to deny how ingeniously the movie exploited its gimmick, turning all the basics of graphical user interface into tools of suspense.

“Friend Request, a German horror movie shot in South Africa but seemingly set in America, also involves a group of young people being terrorized by the ghost of a classmate who committed suicide.”

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