Yeah Obama! I like your opening music! Thank God, you’re changing things around here “a lil bit.” Then of course, he gives his standard shout outs. Yes, everybody loves your wife. hehehehe This man…nice magazine cover!
Our president is so much more sociable and humorous than any president we’ve had before him. How can you not like him? So for those of you who are Obama fans or just you dicks who didn’t bother watching the White House Correspondence:
Here’s some of President Obama’s one liners at the White House Correspondent’s dinner:
“I’m not the strapping young Muslim socialist like I used to be.”
“I admire the DC press corps covering all sides of an issue, just in case one of them happens to be accurate .”
“I’m taking my offensive charm on the road… a book burning with Michele Bachmann”
“Some have suggested we put my library in my birthplace, but I’d rather keep it in the US.”
It was a pleasure watching him be a comedian. You go girl!