Watch Mass Walkout At DNC, Bernie Sanders Delegate Statement TYT News Video

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“If, during the nomination by acclamation of Hillary Clinton, the cheers throughout the Wells Fargo Center seemed more unanimous than the makeup of the delegations would seem to reflect, part of that may have been because many of the most hardcore Berners were leaving the room. They had other plans.

“Walking onto the arena’s main concourse Tuesday night following Clinton’s nomination, all you had to do was follow the chant.

“It wasn’t hard to figure out what this growing mass of bodies was doing. “WALK OUT, WALK OUT,” they chanted. What may have started with a few states wound up drawing from dozens—at least 30 in all, according to a Sanders delegate from Vermont named Shyla Nelson.

“They had turned their DNC-issued Hillary posters into protest signs; one scratched out the arrowed Clinton logo and wrote “Go To Hell” over it, while another changed “Do the most good” to “Bernie does the most good.””

Read more at Slate

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