Watch Nik & Lijana Wallenda Prepare For High-Wire Walk Video

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“Nik Wallenda and his family members are known for their death-defying stunts and highwire walks. As Wallenda and his sister, Lijana, walk across Times Square, it makes one wonder what happens if either of them fall.

“Fortunately, they wear safety harnesses, but this is not always the case.

“In 2017, they were involved in a major highwire accident that resulted in Lijana sustaining severe injuries to her face…

“In a recent interview with the New York Post, Wallenda thought back to the accident and how it affected his sister. He recalled, “She broke every bone in her face. She has 73 screws in her face alone. She still has pain in her heel. This is something she almost feels that she has to do. I think people will be inspired just to see her get back on the wire. Just to move on with life.””

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