The Internet has already been directly responsible for one money making boom and bust bubble. The era saw many people make millions from websites before it all crashed spectacularly.
The question is, are we in the middle of another bubble? If so then this time if revolves around Web 2.0, technology, and clever social networking applications.
This video shows a brilliant cover of Billy Joel’s We Didn’t Start The Fire, and takes a sardonic look at all the new start ups from recent years, from YouTube itself, to Wiki, Flickr and Mahalo.
Blogging, what I’m doing right now, even gets a mention, and yes guys, I am blogging about your song… very cleverly done there.
This is a great song, and a very well made video. There is definitely an Internet boom happening, and what’s depressing is most of the people making the BIG money are much younger than me… how depressing!