A new online documentary, Winning Hearts and Minds, has premiered today which tells the story of American soldiers in Afghanistan. With all the trouble in Iraq, Afghanistan is receiving less press coverage these days, but as this documentary will show you, the presence of US forces in Afghanistan is still very real.
Winning Hearts and Minds follows the work of the US Army Civil Affairs Unit in Afghanistan. This online documentary shows the unit attempting to bring order to devastated lands, while also trying to win the hearts and minds of people that live there.
The TV series, which aired its first online episode today (shown below), features real footage of the Civil Affairs Unit restoring power grids and sewer lines, getting hospitals and schools up and running and liaising with the local government, giving you a real inside look at the life of American Forces in Afghanistan.
The footage for the documentary was shot by Sgt Steven Kling, a member of the US Army Civil Affairs Unit (and former TV cameraman).
Winning Hearts and Minds – Episode 1
See the Winning Hearts and Mind Website
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