Ben “Yahtzee” Croshaw is an absolute genius. If you haven’t seen any of the ‘Zero Punctuation’ videos, then you should go back and watch the back catalog that we’ve written about here on WebTVHub in the past.
However, start with this E3 2009 round-up because it is the funniest thing I’ve seen all year. In it, Croshaw takes us through the main hardware and games that were announced and totally disses all of them.
Project Natal looks brilliant but Croshaw isn’t impressed, and he’s equally unimpressed with Sony’s attempt at outdoing the Wii with its motion control. He sees them all as fads and I kind of see his point.
He then moves on to the games, such as the new Team ICO game, Final Fantasy XIV, renamed Anal Fantasy XIV, and the glut of new Mario games. The clip ends with everyone being described as “shit”, which is not only funny but also fairly accurate.