Amazing Paint Exploding at 15,000fps Video | The Slow Mo Guys

39 sec read

Gav and Dan find an interesting way to paint ceilings 600 times slower than you can see with your regular human eyeball! The footage is Filmed at 15,000fps with a Phantom V1610. Yes, we humans are quite easily amused.

So basically, from what I can tell, the real star here is AmazingPhil, a British youtuber, who just so happens to enjoy drinking at pubs. While he’s there he promotes his videos by becoming good ol’ chums with the nearest and friendliest looking pack of strangers then telling them to check out and like the youtube bloggers, “theslowmoguys.”

I think it’s brilliant! However, there’s a much more famous television show that had this idea first. I do believe it’s name must have been “Time Warp,” from… The History Channel! Yeah, that took some Googling on my part.

Anyway, if you enjoy this type of stuff and don’t want to see way cooler slow moving action by toreenting or streaming some “Time Warp,” Follow these guys in these two following methods:

Gav on Twitter –
Dan on Twitter –

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