Watch the funniest and most entertaining free videos right here! The best in viral and popular video clips from around the internet. We have a mix of cool humorous videos and generally just any video that has sparked our interest or will blow your mind!
Awesome Videos to Watch Now
Want to catch up on Breaking Bad or find out what so many people are talking about? Then check out this...
I thought cats were the laziest domestic animals, but after seeing this video I’m not so sure. It looks as though...
How you drink those calories away…
“Harry Potter author JK Rowling is writing a series of spin-off films set in the magical world of the British boy...
I’ve always wanted to have a go on a Segway, those two-wheeled vehicles that stay upright thanks to the clever use...
So Miley Cyrus has gone naked in a music video… It’s not like she’s the first. Pfft.
R U OK? Day has come around again, highlighting the importance of staying connected in a personal, in person way.
Colorado has been hit hard by heavy rainfall which has led to flash flooding of biblical proportions. Boulder has been hit...
I’ve seen talking birds before, but I don’t ever recall having seen one tell another to shut the hell up. He’s...
Okay, so there is not a definitive, direct causation, but it’s still interesting…
As if things didn’t appear bad enough in the last episode of The Dome, things are going to get a heck...
Rather than throwing away a whole smartphone when one component fails, why not just throw away the broken part and keep...
Last week a YouTube video went viral, racking up millions of views. It was also shown on television stations and news...
Apple has unveiled its new iPhones today. Yes, iPhones plural, because for the first time in its history Apple has two...
If you want to become a YouTube star then one possible way of doing so is by forcing your cat to...
This video shows Russell Brand having a pop at Hugo Boss, both the company and the man, for being involved with...
Miley Cyrus has a new song out. It’s called Wrecking Ball, and it has an accompanying music video causing a lot...
Haters gonna hate. It’s scientifically proven.
When he read the excerpt of Fifty Shades of Grey, I threw up a little.
Enter Sandman may be my favorite Metallica song of all time, and I doubt I’m alone in thinking that. However, these...
You might hate gossips and people who spread rumours, but they might just be playing into social evolution…
Julian Assange and the WikiLeaks party may have lost in the election, but that doesn’t mean they weren’t notice. They still...
Movies that deal with the worst times in our history are often the most compelling, and it’s for this reason that...
While it doesn’t directly correlate with human Down Syndrome, the findings of this recent research could prove very useful.
Oh, Australia. Did you really vote in the guy who wouldn’t even share all of his policies? Pfft.
If you’re a smoker then do yourself a favor and watch this video. Don’t turn away, don’t ignore my plea, just...
To strike or not to strike? That is the question that United States President Obama and the American people have to...
“Dave rants about the 2013 Australian federal election this weekend, September 7th.”
Fracking is a rather controversial way of extracting natural gas from under the ground. This video attempts to explain the technique,...
Badass or dumbass? Take a look at what a recent study says about people who have tattoos…