Watch the funniest and most entertaining free videos right here! The best in viral and popular video clips from around the internet. We have a mix of cool humorous videos and generally just any video that has sparked our interest or will blow your mind!
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Chaos reported on the scene as law officials sort things out on the MIT Campus. Tragically, one MIT officer died in...
This country is just getting more and more paranoid has the years go on. All of Boston is on lock-down as...
“Hey dad, how come they’re taking the Cosby show off the air?” -> “Because Mr. Cosby wanted to stop before the...
So let’s see, this is a crime drama thriller with all the normal junk like hot chicks prostituting, some random body...
With Disney buying the Star Wars franchise there’s going to be lots of new Star Wars movies coming out. Will Harrison...
Those damn homosexuals. They want to destroy the family, the state, capitalism, and the church. How dare they? What do you...
“ABC’s Chief Health & Medical Editor Dr. Richard Besser addresses chemical concerns from the blast.” – YT
Margaret Thatcher’s granddaughter, Amanda Thatcher, reads Ephesians 6.10-18 inside St Paul’s Cathedral.
This video shows John Daker, who, without being overly cruel, may just be the worst singer on the planet. OK, perhaps...
“First off, I feel like an ass****.” Too True. Cuz “First off, They Don’t teach French in jail!” Too true Tony...
Oh yes, cue the Star Wars intro and then move on to the reason why over a million people actually like...
WTF is going on in the world these days to have suicides, kids overdosing on drugs reported as well as bomb...
Superman is back. Again. The last attempt at rebooting the most epic of comic book superheroes, with Superman Returns, failed. But...
“No one can quite make up their mind whether NBC’s upcoming Hannibal TV show will be any good. But Gillian Anderson...
“Don’t waste time on Facebook, waste it learning these 10 staggering facts about Facebook.” – YT
This video is simple but effective, showing how a person’s face changes according to the angle, intensity, and color of the...
She’s done it again! With her crazy antics and fugly face, Chelsea says it perfectly, “She’s starting to look like a...
This is exactly I think about every time something real shitty happens. What if I could rewind my memory…so that even...
I feel like they’re trying to tell me something here….Romans used to use urine as mouthwash? How did that work out!?...
Apparently Girls Love Beyonce. So says Drake, a rapper who appears to have risen to the top despite possessing no discernible...
Unfortunately your browser does not support IFrames. The investigation into the tragic events that occurred at the Boston Marathon continue as...
“President Obama says that the FBI is investigating the two explosions near the finish line of the Boston Marathon as acts...
It must be strange for animals living in zoos, especially if they’re taken from the wild and placed in one of...
This video shows a first hand view of the two bombs that went off within a crowd of onlookers and runners...
So they’ve done it again! Google has bought an idea from a genius who decided to make glasses that are virtually...
Syfy hasn’t really had a huge hit show since Battlestar Galactica, but the U.S. television channel is hoping Defiance will prove...
So The Hunger Games has just released their new teaser trailer and it looks ten times better than the first movie!...
So this new Youtube internet icon PewDiePie has a new video out where he’s just answering some Q & A junk...
So according to CNN, Justin Bieber made a blasphemous mistake on some comment he made while visiting the Anne Frank Museum....
Last week, a woman by the name of Samantha Malson was actually arrested for chocking the hell out of her boyfriend...