Watch the funniest and most entertaining free videos right here! The best in viral and popular video clips from around the internet. We have a mix of cool humorous videos and generally just any video that has sparked our interest or will blow your mind!
Awesome Videos to Watch Now
The 2012 season of Celebrity Apprentice has begun, with Cheryl Tiegs getting fired. Like anyone cares any more. This video gives...
Jon Lajoie is best known for his songs, often foul-mouthed and just a touch sexist. In a purely satirical kind of...
Here’s a pretty intense trailer for the fan-made Pokemon Apokelypse movie. It doesn’t shy away from guns, profanity, or cheesy lines....
It looks like there’s a growing buzz for Sleigh Bells after they performed on Saturday Night Live yesterday. Having seen them...
This Means War. This Means Crap Movie Flop more like. Just watch the trailer (complete with terrible sound lag) and tell...
Who needs fancy instruments when you can recreate one of modern music’s most iconic songs using nothing but equipment from a...
We all know that broccoli is a pretty shifty vegetable. No wonder this seven week old Pomeranian puppy dog is so...
Want to attract new students to your tech college? Of course you do, but how? By scaring the shit out of...
Usually I’m not a fan of any recent Disney movies, but this one isn’t really made by them so I guess...
This video shows the new Windows 8 logo, as unveiled by Microsoft this week. Some people love it, some people hate...
Admit it, you didn’t think cats knew how to party, did you. Well, some do, and this one in particular. Put...
Did the footage of Koko’s Golden Collar acceptance speech leave you wanting more action from the doggy awards show? Of course...
This video shows Randy Travis getting arrested on charges of public intoxication. It’s not the most exciting video in the world,...
I love me some Jon Bon Jovi. I’ve adored him since I was small, buying every album and even sitting through...
First world problems are problems that would only be considered as such in our industrialized, comfortable towns and cities. In other...
If you eat at the Heart Attack Grill then, well, you might have a heart attack. It’s simple logic, really.
What I really want to see when I visit the zoo is, well, this. And that’s just me being honest.
I got 99 Problems but this clip ain’t one.
The Twisted Metal franchise is back, with a new title exclusive to the PS3 simply titled Twisted Metal. Does it bring...
Rather than having just a few major providers like Sprint, AT&T, and Verizon, LightSquared is a company that has been planning...
It’s the award season, with the Golden Globes and BAFTAs behind us and the Academy Awards still to come. It doesn’t...
Shake up your dinner doldrums by making some surprisingly easy shrimp (prawn) scampi. Your mouth and your dinner guest(s) will be...
From TED: “We believe that we should work to be happy, but could that be backwards? In this fast-moving and entertaining...
“Learn everything about Kate Upton, voted Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2011’s rookie of the year.”
It’s Valentine’s Day, the day that loved-up couples act even more smug and lonely losers are even more aware of their...
This nerdy looking asian kid entered an American Idol-like contest in Taiwan only to blow the judges away. After this was...
It’s Valentine’s Day! An invented holiday loved by very few and hated by the majority. However it does mean we get...
If Daniel Day Lewis’ take on Abraham Lincoln was a little reserved for your taste, perhaps Benjamin Walker’s version will be...
Have you ever wondered how to destroy a washing machine in as short a space of time as possible? No, me...
As you’re no doubt aware by now Whitney Houston died on Saturday. The weekend has been full of tributes, on social...