Watch the funniest and most entertaining free videos right here! The best in viral and popular video clips from around the internet. We have a mix of cool humorous videos and generally just any video that has sparked our interest or will blow your mind!

Awesome Videos to Watch Now

Watch ‘American Nomads’ BBC Travel Documentary Video | Living Off the Grid

“Beneath the America we think we know lies a nation hidden from view – a nomadic nation, living on the roads,...
28 sec read

Saved By The Bell Inappropriate Wooing Video | Sitcom Reaction When It Isn’t Suitable

You know that horrible live-audience wooing noise in American sitcoms? The one that follows any kiss or tender moment? How about...
Dave Parrack
25 sec read

Watch How Protect IP / SOPA Bill Breaks the Internet Video | Understand the Protest

Not sure what all this ‘blackout’ SOPA/PIPA stuff is all about? This video helps explain.
23 sec read

SOPA & PIPA Myths Exposed Video | How The Media Companies Overstate Piracy Problem

There is a myth bandied around by all the media companies as to how much damage piracy or file-sharing causes. And...
Dave Parrack
30 sec read

SOPA & PIPA Protest Parody Song Video | The Day the LOLcats Died

SOPA and PIPA are two pieces of legislation threatening to kill the internet as we know it. And you know what...
Lauren Katulka
21 sec read

Awesome ‘Hello’ Movie Clips Cover Video

Hello, is it me you’re looking for? No, not really. What I’m really looking for is a cover version of this...
Dave Parrack
26 sec read

Cute Baby Tapir Confuses Llamas Video | Perplexing New Addition to Pen

Forget setting a cat amongst the pigeons. More interesting things happen when you set a baby tapir amongst the llamas.
Lauren Katulka
21 sec read

SOPA & PIPA Bills Explained Video | Viacom’s Pro-SOPA Video Annotated With Truth

SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) and PIPA (Protect IP Act) are still working their way through Congress and the Internet needs...
Dave Parrack
27 sec read

Watch Paula Deen Faces Criticism Over Diabetes 2 Diagnosis Celeb News Video

Paula Deen, the celebrity chef queen of butter, sugar and all things deep fried, has taken a lot of criticism on...
21 sec read

Wikipedia Joins Blackout To Stop SOPA (Video) | Joins Reddit, Mozilla, & Others Tomorrow

Tomorrow (January 18th) will be a pretty big day for SOPA protestors due to the support from sites like Wikipedia, Reddit,...
Iman Peera
17 sec read

Dog Jumps For Joy… Literally Video Clip | This Is How Happy Dogs Are To Go Walkies

Dogs love going for walkies a little too much. This one, who literally jumps for joy at the thought of it,...
Dave Parrack
31 sec read

The Descendants Movie Review Video | What The Flick? Panel Discuss George Clooney Film

This video shows the What The Flick? panel dissecting The Descendants, a movie directed by Alexander Payne and starring George Clooney....
Dave Parrack
28 sec read

Funny ‘Shit Girls Say’ Web Series | From Twitter Phenomenon To YouTube Hit

If you haven’t heard of ‘Shit Girls Say,’ I hate to break it to you, but you might not be hip....
Iman Peera
39 sec read

Ricky Gervais Golden Globes 2012 Compilation (Video) | All The Funny Moments

Rickey Gervais is probably the only reason why I watched (or kept watching) the Golden Globes last night. So rather than...
Iman Peera
24 sec read

‘Key & Peele’ Funny Obama Parody (Video) | Promo For New Comedy Central Show

It seems like there’s a new Obama parody video every damn day, the majority of which are mildly amusing. This sketch...
Iman Peera
19 sec read

Cool Crowboarding Video | Clever Crow Skis Down Snowy Roof

Humans pay big bucks to ski and snowboard in some of the world’s most exclusive snow resorts. But it seems that...
Lauren Katulka
21 sec read

Watch 2012 Golden Globes: George Clooney Wins Best Actor in a Drama Video

George Clooney wins the Best Actor in a Drama Golden Globe for the his role in the Alexander Payne film “The...
22 sec read

‘Sh*t Nobody Says’ Spoof Video | Enough Of ‘Sh*t My Dad Says’, ‘Sh*t Girls Say’ Meme!

Enough of this ‘Sh*t Someone Or Other Says’. It’s lame, it’s hardly ever funny, and it reinforces crass stereotypes. Let’s end...
Dave Parrack
31 sec read

Napoleon Dynamite TV Series Video | Cult Movie Becomes Animated Television Show

This video shows a short clip from the new animated TV series based on the 2004 cult film Napoleon Dynamite. It...
Dave Parrack
28 sec read

Funny New Year’s Resolution Fails (Video) | Be Realistic About Your Goals

Every year I set a bunch of New Year’s Resolutions, but only seem to accomplish a few. Here’s a video which...
Iman Peera
21 sec read

Funny Mental Health Hotline Video | Which Number Should You Press?

We all know that mental illness is no laughing matter, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun with...
Lauren Katulka
23 sec read

Santorum On Iran Nuclear Scientists Video | Presidential Candidate Loves Assassination

This video shows Rick Santorum advocating assassination. Just because he’s talking about Iranian nuclear scientists doesn’t make it right, does it?
Dave Parrack
29 sec read

Cruise Ship Italy First Footage Video | Costa Concordia Runs Aground Off Island Of Giglio

The Italian cruise ship Costa Concordia has run aground off the Italian coast close to the island of Giglio.
Dave Parrack
28 sec read

Watch Zero Punctuations Best & Worst Video Games of 2011 Vid

Yahtzee is back with his best and worst games of 2011 that he, gasp, actually played.
21 sec read

Cute Otters Chase Butterfly Video | Most Adorable Video of The Year So Far

We’re not even halfway through January, but we’ve already got a serious contender for the cutest video of 2012 title. Just...
Lauren Katulka
23 sec read

Watch One Life to Life Series Final Episode Part One Video

After 43 years on air filled with proposals, tears, loves, lifes, deaths, births and more, the giant One Life to Live...
22 sec read

New Bond 50 Blu-ray Boxset Video Trailer | 50 Years Of James Bond In Prep for ‘Skyfall’

Skyfall, the 23rd Bond film ever made, will be released later this year. But you can also watch the previous 22...
Dave Parrack
29 sec read

Stephen Colbert: ‘Super PAC’ (Video) | Colbert Report Star Running For President?

“Making a better tomorrow, tomorrow.” isn’t as promising as Obama’s “Hope and Change” campaign, but a lot of people are questioning...
Iman Peera
26 sec read

Publicly Touching 1000 Girls’ Boobs (Video) | Not As Many Slaps As You’d Think

As the creator of this video states, “The video is NOT the work of the porn industry and in NO WAY...
Iman Peera
30 sec read