Watch the funniest and most entertaining free videos right here! The best in viral and popular video clips from around the internet. We have a mix of cool humorous videos and generally just any video that has sparked our interest or will blow your mind!
Awesome Videos to Watch Now
Justin Bieber may be about to become a dad. Possibly. A 20-year-old woman called Mariah Yeater claims Bieber is the father...
I know Halloween is over for another year, and most of us aren’t ready to see another piece of candy or...
You may agree or disagree with the aims of the Occupy movement protesters and the methods they’re using to make their...
Rockstar looks to have done it again, delivering another slice of gaming heaven with Grand Theft Auto 5. Or is it...
Halloween is done and dusted for another year, but the ghosts aren’t gone for everyone. Here Fox8 takes its news cameras...
National Novel Writing Month 2011 has well and truly begun, and some people do some amazing things in preparation for the...
The Occupy Movement is calling for a general strike for all students and workers after soldier Scott Olsen was injured. It...
I’m a bit of a scaredy-cat at the best of times. But during Halloween or after I’ve watched a horror movie...
The She & Him from the title aren’t Deschanel and Gibbard, but the name of her band, which comprises her and...
We took a sneak peek at the new American Pie flick back in September, but that video really didn’t reveal what...
So El Pope wants a system where ‘principles’ trump ‘profit’. But only Catholic principles, I’m guessing. Ever heard of separation of...
Most often child stars are annoying brats who get by on dimples and toothy grins rather than talent. But not Tenzin,...
So go to and support your favourite MoBro – for the awesome face fuzz and for men’s health.
If you own a cat then the chances are you’ve seen it vomit. It’s not pleasant. Unlike humans, who just puke,...
This is how to take down a heckler. I personally wouldn’t be able to think on my feet fast enough to...
Can you really download audio tracks that replicate the effects of drugs? Or are people’s reactions just placebo effects?
Are Kardashian and Humphries really divorcing only 72 days after getting married? Or is this some sort of ploy to amp...
After slaying us with their rendition of “You’re The Voice” on The X Factor last week, Three Wishez did it again...
You surely cannot have missed the Occupy Wall Street movement which has now expanded out to other U.S. cities and other...
Happy Halloween 2011 from all of us here at WebTVHub. And what better way to commemorate this holiday than with a...
Cute parrot Kili shows off his mad air hockey skills in this cute video.
How can you not Get Your Cock Out after hearing this song and watching this video imploring you to do so?...
The Walking Dead is the story of a zombie apocalypse told in a classy way. Zombie Apocalypse, meanwhile, takes a different...
Can’t make it to the street to protest? Why not try a postage paid protest?
And you thought they were just stories…
Lacey the alpaca loves few things more than a good nuzzle. And she’s determined to get one, even when her advances...
If you’re about to release a video game full of adventure and treasure hunting then what is the best way of...
This is the trailer for The Rum Diary, a movie based on the Hunter S. Thompson novel of the same name....
We all know drink driving is dumb, but spreading the word through advertising generally comes off as patronizing or preachy. Trust...
I’m a little late posting this, as Steve Jobs died weeks ago, but this video is still worth watching. It details...