Watch the funniest and most entertaining free videos right here! The best in viral and popular video clips from around the internet. We have a mix of cool humorous videos and generally just any video that has sparked our interest or will blow your mind!
Awesome Videos to Watch Now
What’s cuter than domesticated pets such as cats and dogs play fighting with each other? Why, seeing wild animals play fighting...
This is the first advert for the Amazon Kindle Fire, the online retailer’s first tablet device, positioned as the top-level Kindle....
Prepare to grab your tissues. A film adaptation of Jonathan Safran Foer’s weepy novel Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close is about...
With web capability, ebook reader functions, app functions and more, the Kindle Fire looks like it takes the best of all...
Is this a bad case of deja vu for Demi Moore and Ashton Kutcher, or are the cheating reports just plain...
There are plenty of changes afoot at Facebook, and from the grumblings on my friends list it seems few of us...
Sonic Generations is a brand new Sonic The Hedgehog title from Sonic Team and Sega. It is being released on the...
Andy Rooney is leaving 60 Minutes after 33 years appearing on the show. He will be missed by those who see...
Otherwise known as “How to Ruin Your Test Concentration in One Easy Step”.
“A melon farm in Colorado has issued a recall of cantaloupe following a Listeria outbreak that has killed at least two...
On paper the pairing of the soulful Young Men Society and Australian rock legends AC/DC sounds unusual, to say the least....
You can’t beat a good mashup from time to time. It helps if you know the original songs being mashed together...
Google has placed the Dead Sea Scrolls on the Web, and regardless of your belief system these are fascinating and strangely...
Come on, Obama. If some of the rich people are even asking it, who are you or Congress to deny the...
“Stars Christina Ricci and Mike Vogel discuss the new ABC series, which takes a look back at a time when air...
Many dog owners teach their pooch how to roll over and play dead. But what good are these tricks? This video...
As a cat lover I appreciate all the different varieties there are. But until now I’d never heard of the species...
The recent Facebook changes – the news ticker, the timeline, the frictionless sharing, the Open Graph, the Top Stories – has...
Fortunately, I am a woman who completely understood the rabbit reference from the get go, which made Craig’s confusion all the...
Wow, that is one long cat. Wait, that description isn’t anywhere near epic enough. That’s not just a long cat, that’s...
Jeff Dunham is back in his show ‘Controlled Chaos’. And Peanut is back too… as a ventriloquist in his own right....
A good apple crisp, or apple crumble as we Brits call it (and it’s a better name, you must admit) is...
You can say many things about Bristol Palin, but you can’t say she’s boring. In the space of around five minutes...
Ooh, that’s gotta hurt. Badly. It’s a fail of epic proportions. But thankfully for those of us watching on YouTube, it’s...
This is the official movie trailer for Dolphin Tale, a new family movie which tells the tale of a dolphin which...
With the Rugby World Cup in full swing, sports lovers all over the world are tuning into the game. But if...
I’ve seen some dumb people in my time, and have even met a few, but this woman takes the top prize....
Facebook unveiled a brand new profile and loads of new features during the keynote speech at its annual f8 conference this...
Forget ratings and album sales; I reckon you haven’t really made it until you’re parodied on Sesame Street. Welcome to the...
Talk about lucking out. Lessons learned from the Trojan condom company.