Watch the funniest and most entertaining free videos right here! The best in viral and popular video clips from around the internet. We have a mix of cool humorous videos and generally just any video that has sparked our interest or will blow your mind!
Awesome Videos to Watch Now
Christine O’Donnell walks off Piers Morgan Tonight after getting upset when Piers Morgan asks her about the book she is there...
I can’t listen to this without getting shivers. There’s a reason it’s called one of the greatest musicals ever made.
Fans of cel-shaded, shooter-based, open-world, free-roaming RPGs (aren’t we all?) will be ecstatic to hear that a Borderlands sequel has been...
Let’s face it, when you were 14 all you probably wanted to be was famous. Rebecca Black got what she wanted...
So what do steel guitars, mermaids, barns, and pianos in corn fields all have in common? They’re all in Lady Gaga’s...
This is Ken Block’s Gymkhana Four video, the latest to show off his incredible driving skills. And I have to say...
You expect to see a few things when you travel to New Zealand: foul-smelling mud pools, adrenalin junkies, and those cute...
Seemingly inspired by a book called ‘To Train Up a Child’, a couple spanks their young girl to death and nearly...
Season two of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills doesn’t skimp on the beauty, bitchiness or cat fights, that’s for sure.
This is the launch commercial for the new Foster’s Gold lager, a premium 4.8% beer which looks like it’ll go down...
This video shows the opening sequence of Dexter, which sees the titular character taking us through his morning routine. It gives...
The screenwriters may provide a movie’s heart and soul, but it’s the actors that arguably provide the color. As this video...
This means war. Die piggy scum!
This weekend was all about the wedding bells and baby booties for three hot celebrity ladies.
Let’s just all take a moment to relax. Stop fighting, rioting, looting, swearing, and debating. Instead, let’s all have a nice...
I’ll bet you thought all those viral cat videos captured candid moments shot by adoring pet owners. But think again. As...
Brad Pitt and the rest of the cast and crew of World War Z have begun filming in Glasgow, Scotland, which...
“Oh my gosh. Look at that butter leakin’ out all over his pants…”
“After last night’s GOP presidential debate many are hopeful about Ron Paul being elected president. Many believe that Ron Paul’s views...
Parents are some of the most competitive people around. They want to know that their little bundle of joy is the...
Harry Potter may have now come to an end, with all the books and films there will ever be already out...
In this interview Ice Cube talks about the possibility of an N.W.A. movie, the rap group reuniting, and his friendship and...
Faceplants are always funny, doubly so when it’s a kid burying his head in the ground. And if that kid is...
The Help is a new movie based on the bestselling novel of the same name by Katherine Stockett. This is the...
The live cross is enough to strike fear into the heart of even the most seasoned journalist. Anything can go wrong,...
This is the music video for 8-Bit World, a song by Your Favorite Martian with a little help from Hoodie Allen....
In this post-Rebecca Black world anyone can create a professional looking video and launch a musical career. But in the case...
Final Destination 5 is out today in the U.S., and this is the first video review of the fifth installment in...
From YT: “In which John discusses the U.S. public debt, our dangerously high debt to GDP ratio, the S&P’s downgrade of...
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past week you’ll have heard of intense rioting, looting, and violence having...