Watch the funniest and most entertaining free videos right here! The best in viral and popular video clips from around the internet. We have a mix of cool humorous videos and generally just any video that has sparked our interest or will blow your mind!
Awesome Videos to Watch Now
I’m afraid this is yet another video showing a bunch of douchebags messing about and getting what they deserve as a...
This is the first official gameplay trailer for Modern Warfare 3. Having previously teased us with a strange teaser, Activision has...
Now that the dust has settled after Alabama’s torrential storms and tornado, we’re hearing some inspiring stories of survival. This news...
Jason Segel, Amy Adams and Kermit the Frog star in the new movie Green With Envy, featuring – you guessed it...
In the devastation left from a half-mile wide tornado that ripped apart the town of Joplin, Missouri, searchers go through the...
This is the last video I’ll post about the end of the world which didn’t actually materialize on May 21, I...
Many communications companies try to convince us that the internet is building better business relations, catching up with old friends, or...
This video shows Debby Boone performing You Light Up My Life, a 1977 chart-topper written by Joseph Brooks. It’s relevant once...
So it seems that The Rapture was a crock of shit and we’re all still kicking around on planet Earth. I...
You would think that, by now, you’d know how to tie your shoes. Well, chances are that you have been tying...
Another Iceland volcano – this time the most active, Grimsvotn – is beginning to cause a bit of air traffic chaos...
Who would have thought a three-toed sloth could fly? You’d better believe it, because this video clip shows it’s possible. Just...
It’s May 22, 2011. Hooray, we’re still here, the world didn’t end, the Rapture didn’t take place, we’re all fine! What...
We’ve seen some pretty amazing dogs on WebTVHub, but none with the coordination of this Japanese beagle. The pup doesn’t just...
Three-toed sloths are strange-looking creatures at the best of times, but when one tries to cross a busy road surrounded by...
This video is a literal translation of the movie trailer for Pirates of The Caribbean: On Stranger Tides, and it’s all...
At just 58, legendary wrestler Macho Man Randy Savage died after he lost control of his car during a heart attack.
No, planking isn’t some kind of home improvement practice; it’s actually the hottest new craze which involves folks lying down for...
This FAIL video stands out from the rest for one very simple reason. No, not the guy doing the comedy dive...
Girls Run The World, apparently. Thanks for informing the male population of this undeniable fact, Beyonce.
Wow. This is one of the most striking video game trailers that I have ever seen.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are known for being pretty dull and bland when issuing their warnings, but even...
We can all picture the 60s with their mods and flower children, the 70s with their disco balls and flares, and...
If you’re going to do something a little retarded then please make sure there’s no one else in the vicinity that...
Lars Von Trier has always been a controversial figure for the films he makes, but this week he went one better...
While everyone else in his neighborhood was packing their bags for the “White River Flood” that hit Arkansas last week, one...
“You have to bear in mind that any murder may revoke your own eligibility to be raptured.” You heard the man....
When handed a five thousand dollar check to make their new music video, most bands would invest in some special effects...
Let me guess: this time he’s planning on retiring on May 21st… unless it doesn’t happen. At least back in 1994...
Man, I hate the fashion industry. Who cares what skinny, posh birds are wearing? Give them a meal and tell them...