Watch the funniest and most entertaining free videos right here! The best in viral and popular video clips from around the internet. We have a mix of cool humorous videos and generally just any video that has sparked our interest or will blow your mind!
Awesome Videos to Watch Now
Henry Rollins shares an awesome story about a guy with Asperger’s and shares some writing advice for men along the way.
Oh, Whoopie. Calm down. The Trump has a point about President Obama’s birth certificate.
Having laughed at the original, because it’s so bad, and the death metal remix, because it’s so good, here we have...
Talk about proving your critics right. Chris Brown may not be able to sing to save his life but he sure...
We got a small sneak peek during the Superbowl, but with the release of the new trailer we can finally see...
In just ten minutes, a harbor in Oirase Town, Aomori Prefecture goes from completely normal to completely gone beneath the waves....
Watch an introduction to congestive heart failure, the condition that eventually put the one and only Dame Elizabeth Taylor to her...
And now for your daily dose of cute. A plethora of puppies is pretty awesome, but when they’re riding bikes and...
God, I hate laugh tracks on sitcoms. I can’t believe they’re still used, when shows like The Office and Curb Your...
Elizabeth Taylor, British actress, screen legend, and former beauty, has died of congestive heart failure at the age of 79. She...
Doctor Who is coming back soon! Woo. And I was just starting to get jittery without my Who fix.
Pockets are getting tight even in the soap opera universe, and big channels like ABC are considering cutting some of their...
As a child of the 80s, I think this live music video from I Fight Dragons is about perfect as you...
I’m happy my dad is my dad, and not Will Smith. But in terms of getting a leg up in the...
Today (March 22) is William Shatner’s Birthday. He’s 80-years-old now, incredibly. But it’s also unofficial ‘International Talk Like William Shatner Day’....
“Part 1 of A History of God, a subseries in Evid3nc3’s broader Why I Am No Longer A Christian series. Based...
Rocker Sammy Hagar is more than excited to talk about his new book – his autobiography, in fact – called RED:...
Over the weekend the world lost one of its most loved animals, Knut the Polar Bear. The popular Berlin Zoo resident...
You’ve probably already had the pleasure (or pain) of watching and hearing Friday by Rebecca Black, a pop song that many...
The Hobbit has officially started shooting in New Zealand, though if the experience of this intrepid news reporter is anything to...
Robot elephant will take on the wold and make sure that you don’t end up being caught out in biology class....
While biking on three wheels might not seem cool at first, not only is the Can-Am Spyder as sleek as it...
Here at WebTVHub we love a good flashmob. We’ve come to associate this modern phenomenon with large dancing crowds, but this...
This is Friday by Rebecca Black, possibly the worst song ever recorded. I know she’s only 13-years-old but I’m pretty sure...
Freecycle is a little-known, but very handy website where members can give away their unwanted stuff, or gain something they need...
This video shows a war plane being shot down in Libya. But this is just one of the many horrors we’re...
Yesterday I was impressed by Freddegredde and his medley of Simpsons tunes. But it that wasn’t Fredde’s first foray into the...
St. Patrick’s Day 2011 has been and gone, thankfully. The one day when people can dress in green, get drunk from...
The end of an era is just months away, as the final Harry Potter movie (well, until J.K. Rowling relents and...
The Simpsons is no less than a pop culture phenomenon. Its catchphrases have entered our everyday language, and you’d be hard...