Watch the funniest and most entertaining free videos right here! The best in viral and popular video clips from around the internet. We have a mix of cool humorous videos and generally just any video that has sparked our interest or will blow your mind!
Awesome Videos to Watch Now
This video features the audio, but not the visuals, for the new Michael Jackson song, Hold My Hand. Yes, we all...
Have you ever tried to watch a soap opera and passed it off as way too confusing? Well, The Bold and...
Just when you think you have finally heard the last of the infamous Sarah Palin, she comes rolling back into the...
With just four acts remaining in The X Factor Australia, things are really heating up. Last night Mahogany showed they want...
The biggest shopping day of the year for people in the United States – Black Friday – is coming up, and...
Even though there are some promising figures coming in (in the US) about unemployment, people are still getting the sack and...
Four Loko is being banned in various states faster than you can drink a beer. The media, as usual, is having...
This video features Stephen Fry talking about Wagner. Which Wagner he’s talking about in ultra-complimentary terms is up to you. Is...
The Golden Compass movie recently premiered on U.S. television, much to the chagrin of the religious zealots who ruined it with...
Conan is back on TV in more ways than one. Here he can be seen in a very elaborate American Express...
In 2009 the FDA was given the right to regulate the marketing and labeling of tobacco products. While I’m not a...
Yes, it’s funny, but man do I feel sorry for that girl. Because that really can’t have been a pleasant experience.
I’m not really the kind of girl who fawns over babies. But even I can’t resist one with good taste in...
Today (Nov. 13) would have been Robert Louis Stevenson’s 160th birthday. And Google has celebrated the fact with a new Google...
Laura In The Kitchen shows you how to make a real pumpkin pie from scratch. Well, with the pumpkin puree being...
Doug Stanhope is probably my favorite progressive comic right now. Much like George Carlin and Bill Hicks, he isn’t very mainstream...
George W. Bush revealed in the memoirs of his time as President of the U.S.A. that he authorized the use of...
These days it seems most of us are living our lives not in the “real world,” but on Facebook. This surprisingly...
John McCain may be “on the safe side” when it comes to voicing his opinions on gay rights, but his wife...
Jim Davis is in the middle of a huge controversy at the moment thanks to a Garfield strip some have taken...
Everything is better with a little bacon.
This has to be the coolest and stupidest thing I’ve ever seen in my life. Think indoor bottle rockets…only with butane...
For too long ladies have been ogling Isaiah Mustafa in his Old Spice commercials. It’s about time that there was a...
This video supposedly shows a guy getting angry because he sucks at Rock Band, and smashing the guitar into his TV...
Gene Shalit has left The Today Show, retiring from television at the age of 85 after 40 years reviewing movies.
“Michael Tellinger… talks about the discovery of the oldest man-made structure on Earth, around 75,000 years old. A new book by...
I seriously doubt that this type of play would work in the NFL, but i’m glad it worked out for these...
It’s been 8 months since Lil Wayne went to jail and now that he’s finally out a few people are ticked....
This video is one of the funniest things I’ve ever seen. I don’t know why it is, because there’s really not...
This video features a review of new sci-fi blockbuster Skyline, which is being released this Friday (Nov. 12). Well, of sorts,...