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Awesome Videos to Watch Now
2010 Tony Award nominees including Kelsey Grammer and David Alan Grier give their six word memoirs.
During my childhood He-Man was a Master of the Universe, a heroic figure who defended his planet from the forces of...
I can’t quite decide whether this is real or fake. It certainly looks real but I can’t imagine anyone actually having...
Get Him To The Greek is a new movie currently tearing up the box office. It’s the best comedy of the...
Steve Jobs has recently announced his intent to ‘free’ the internet world – and the iPad – from porn. Well, some...
Osmosis Jones is a half animated, half live action movie starring Bill Murray and Chris Rock that gets down and dirty...
If you were wondering why Barack Obama is so cool, you only have to look at the company he keeps. This...
Jackie Chan is kick-ass. No, not the character from the recent superhero movie, but proper kick-ass as in he can kick...
The 2010 World Cup kicked off yesterday, and there has already been some big games. But the biggest so far is...
Lady Gaga is back and outraging the masses with her brand new film clip for “Alejandro.”
To describe the oil spill in the Gulf Of Mexico as a disaster really doesn’t do it justice. It’s a disaster...
The 2010 World Cup has officially kicked off, with the opening ceremony and first match between the hosts South Africa, and...
When I’m in my twilight years I imagine I’ll be pottering around my garden, enjoying television game shows, and going to...
This video isn’t very long, it’s not funny, clever, witty, exciting, or worth watching time and time again. So why post...
You may have noticed the Google homepage getting a little busier and more colorful over the past 24 hours, with fancy...
Manufacturer of popular electronics like iPhones and Wiis, Foxcomm, is increasing worker wages from $5 a day to $10 a day...
Former ESPN production assistant Brook Hundley speaks out about her affair with Steve Phillips to garner support for her side of...
Salma Hayek and the costars of her new film Grown Ups, Mario Bello and Maya Rudolph, got a fright during a...
I’m not Dr. Doolittle, no matter how many dreams I have telling me I am. However, I reckon even I could...
America’s Got Talent has three distinct types of auditionees: The really good, the really bad, and the surprise package. And it’s...
You always hear about military soldiers using excessive force, but actually seeing with your eyes is pretty shocking. Not to mention...
This is a video of a beautiful nightscape (obviously shot with a special camera to be able to capture all those...
“A cartoon adaptation of F.A. Hayek’s classic treatise on the dangers of government intervention into the economy.”
Around 1250 art loving French folks joined forces in Rouen last weekend to create a living, breathing version of a Monet...
Prepare to be creeped out by a character in a computer game. I know, it’s unlikely, because it’s not something you’d...
Eminem’s new album, Recovery, is officially released on June 22, but, as with every rap album these days, it’s leaked to...
It’s bad enough that there are so many bootleg clothes on the market, but what about jet fighter planes? Here we...
Getting burned to death as flames wind their way around your body is not a nice way to die. So why...
Last night saw the 2010 MTV Movie Awards held. And there some big winners, notably Twilight and its cast who walked...
The MTV Movie Awards had it all: stars, awards, pretty dress, and a sexy kiss by Scarlett Johansson and Sandra Bullock.