Watch the funniest and most entertaining free videos right here! The best in viral and popular video clips from around the internet. We have a mix of cool humorous videos and generally just any video that has sparked our interest or will blow your mind!
Awesome Videos to Watch Now
Fiona Kirk and Volodymyr Khodakivskyy take the floating, graceful movements of ice skating one step further by skating on air as...
Halloween is approaching fast, with just a few days left for anyone celebrating the annual holiday this year. It’s time to...
The creators of the new documentary “The Obama Deception” describe it as “a hard-hitting film that completely destroys the myth that...
This video purportedly shows a hole-in-one by Vijay Singh during the 2009 Masters. Except is it? Really? I can’t get the...
Apparently singer Lily Allen announced that she would be giving up music and quitting her label last month. Now weeks later,...
Most people born with the extremely rare Mermaid Syndrome (yes that’s the real medical term) die within a few days of...
You may have heard by now about the new operating system from Microsoft. It’s called Windows 7 and it was released...
In the tradition of a Metallica hit comes this heavy metal song about an unlikely subject. Mark Douglas rocks out here...
Four Brothers is a 2005 movie loosely based on the 1965 western The Sons of Katie Elder. It stars Tyrese Gibson,...
You could spend hours learning first aid in a stuffy lecture, or you could watch the weird and wonderful videos of...
Some people are so gullible. This video shows a guy in a robot suit at the 2009 Dubai Gitex technology week...
Soupy Sales, the TV comedian who built a career from throwing pies around, has died at the age of 83 after...
And you thought the borderline-pedophile Oozinator was the only disturbing children’s toy? The 80s’ and 90s’ were jam-packed with really horribly...
NSFW because of language, general gore and cutting zombies to bits with a chainsaw.
Am I missing something? Did I have my funny-bone extracted in an operating so painful I’ve blanked out all knowledge of...
Women who have curves now have hope for finding some denim jeans that fit properly. However, if you can’t afford to...
Seinfeld stands out for me as one of the best sitcoms of all time. It’s certainly the best American sitcom ever...
Recently we saw Australian Idol’s Toby Moulton slow down a-Ha’s 80s hit “Take on Me.” In that tradition comes this stripped...
“At any other restaruant if you scream they think you’re crazy. But here at Ninja I can- AIGHAH!” The above quote...
It’s a tragic story, but even more tragic is the fact that it could all be prevented with a little thing...
Whole Foods has become one of the most popular grocery chains in America thanks to their commitment to local and organic...
Sometimes, despite how uncomfortable and humiliating you know an incident is for someone, you can’t help laughing. As is the case...
Michael Jackson died four months ago now, although personally it feels like yesterday. Maybe because rather than letting him rest in...
Master P’s daughter, Cymphonique Miller, certainly has a lot to swaggar about, being called a ‘triple threat’ with her singing, dancing...
Being a skeptic myself, I found this this footage really hard to believe at first. Watch in disbelief as respected news...
You may have received an email or been sent a link via social network which ends with the image seen in...
Yes, as sad as it is, people are already starting to get the Black Friday itch and are looking around for...
Listen to your lord and master Foamy the Squirrel and be inspired to bring the horror back to Halloween, the way...
Richard Dawkins is one of the most notable atheists in the world, not afraid to discuss his views that there is...
We’ve all seen the lamp jumping up and down on the letter i at the start of the Pixar movies. But...